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More Thoughts From Me #179: If You Built It, He Will Jump

Super Mario Maker 2 has been out for a little bit and I’ve been playing through the story mode and also…I’ve been building levels! Today I wanted to talk about the level creator. Is it better than the first game?


Super Mario Maker 2’s level builder is a lot like the first games. That said, a lot of new tools have been added to your arsenal, such as the evil sun, slopes, new powerups, and more.

Basically Super Mario Maker 2 is taking everything that made the first game’s level creator great and adding to it. There are just so many more types of levels that you can create with this game.

Its pretty amazing seeing what people have made: puzzle levels, platforming, exploration, and even shooters! Some of this we saw in the first Super Mario Maker and some of it is beyond anything I thought possible in this game.

If you need any inspiration at all, then you should try out Super Mario Maker 2’s story mode. At first the levels start out as typical Mario fair and then later change into some inventive stuff.

I also like that a new theme, Super Mario 3D World, has been added. I hope that we’ll see future updates to this game that add more themes. It would be amazing to build a Super Mario Gameboy level!

Its too bad that world maps were not added to the things that you could create in this game though. Custom Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World maps would have been so cool to see.

Overall, I think this level creator is better than the first games but it does play it too safe in some cases. Here’s hoping that a Super Mario Maker 3 might add world maps and other interesting features!

And now here’s where I promote my first Super Mario Maker 2 level. Please check out Obstacles 101:


Do you have Super Mario Maker 2 level? Share your level(s) in the comments and I might check them out!

Next week: My thoughts on Marvel Comics video games, past and present. What are my favorites? What do I hope to see next?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Creating my next Super Mario Maker 2 level now!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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