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Legend of the Tetrarchs

Legend of the Tetrarchs is a turn-based rpg from KEMCO for the Nintendo Switch. Its graphics will remind you of an SNES game and so will its gameplay. But is Legend of the Tetrachs worth playing? Here is my review of Legend of the Tetrarchs!


Legend of the Tetrarchs is a very old school type of rpg. If you like rpgs with random battles and a turn based battle system, then you’ll want to check out this game.

The battle system, especially, is very good. It will remind you of the first person battles from the NES Dragon Quest games.

I also liked that Tetrachs lets you upgrade weapons in your menu and save anywhere out of battles.

Unfortunately, Legend of the Tetrarchs story doesn’t fair as well. Right from the start, the story is over complicated and the dialogue falls flat. I didn’t find any of the characters that interesting either. If you can see past the game’s story and characters, then you’ll find a good game with a nice battle system and good exploration.

Legend of the Tetrarchs has excellent 2D sprites too. The characters look so good. The game’s backgrounds are not as detailed but not horrible either. And I love this game’s world map!

I do feel like Legend of the Tetrarchs would be a better game if its story wasn’t as complicated and its characters were more interesting. With rpgs, story and characters are an ultra important aspect of the game. Some players will not be able to get past the game’s story and characters. Meanwhile others will find something to enjoy in Legend of the Tetrarchs gameplay.

Legend of the Tetrarchs gets a 7.0 out of 10.

Thanks to KEMCO for providing a digital copy of this game for review. Legend of the Tetrarchs is currently available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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