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Watch Dogs Should Run Well on Almost Any PC


Got a gaming PC? Good news then: Ubisoft’s upcoming Watch Dogs should run fairly well for you. It’s a decent looking game, but you’re not going to need a super powerful rig to get it running. No, it’s playable on ‘ultra’ settings with a Geforce 670 – a decent card but hardly high end. 

This was revealed by the creative director of Watch Dogs, Jonathan Morin, on Twitter:

Notice that the question isn’t exactly answered, leaving whether it’ll play at above HD and at 60FPS a little vague. The minimum we can take from the reply is that Watch Dogs has been fairly well optimized, and that it’ll deliver a decent experience so long as you have a half-decent computer, you’ll be able to play it at high or above.

Watch Dogs has been the centre of many a discussion in the last few months, and has arguably been terribly mishandled by Ubisoft. After initial hype, it was delayed and presumed cancelled by some. A re-reveal earlier this year ended up getting a lot of negative feedback, mostly because of a lacklustre last gen trailer. Finally, a leaked review earlier this week scored it around the 7 mark, and although Ubi was quick to say it wasn’t a ‘valid’ critique, many are left unsurprised by the ‘merely good’ reaction.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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