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Taking Another Look At Final Fantasy 12

When I originally played Final Fantasy 12 on the Playstation 2, I didn’t like it. My main problem was the battle system. FF12 did away with the classic turn-based battle system and went with a more MMO approach. Since then, I’ve played and liked the Xenoblade games, which have a similar battle system. So I thought, maybe, I’d like Final Fantasy 12 more. I got the game recently on the Nintendo Switch and I’ve been playing it. Here are my thoughts so far on FF12.


I bought Final Fantasy 10/10-2 and 12 recently. I thought I’d be playing ten more than twelve but…

I’ve found myself more addicted to FF12 at the moment!

Final Fantasy 10 is one of my favorite FF games, however I have played it a lot. Final Fantasy 12, meanwhile, is a game that I didn’t care for back in the day. One of the biggest reasons I like it now: the Xenoblade series.

Xenoblade and FF12’s battle system are pretty similar. Both games play more like action games than rpgs. There are still menus but 12 (and Xenoblade) want you to let the character’s auto-attack more than worry about the menus. Sure, you can still give each and every one of your characters commands via the menus (especially in 12) but thats not really the way the game wants to be played.

I do tend to still issue commands a lot in FF12. I try not to rely on the gambits. I did find one really hard section where I had to rely on the gambits a bit. I’m sure I’ll find myself doing this game again eventually. I’m glad I have the option of both the gambits and issuing commands. I think I actually like 12’s battle system a little more than Xenoblades even.

Beyond the battle system though, there are many other gameplay aspects to like too. The exploration in FF12 is fantastic. There are so many cool items, NPCs, and secrets around almost every corner.

I’m also really digging this verison’s added job system and the unique license boards. The leveling up system in FF12 is excellent. It is a bit more complicated than other FF games, you have to learn a weapon/item before you can equip it, however the complex nature of the system makes it even more interesting.

And then there’s the game’s storyline and characters. So far, the world of Ivalice is amazing. It feels very alive. The NPCs have lots to say. Not only that but the races, such as Viera and moogles, really make each town exciting to visit. The main storyline is pretty gripping and each of the game’s characters are likable. I’m glad that I barely remember this game. It really does feel like I’m playing a new Final Fantasy game with twelve!

Overall, I’m really enjoying Final Fantasy 12 on the Nintendo Switch. I’m playing it in portable mode and having a blast. I’m so glad that I gave the game another chance!

Have you played Final Fantasy 12? What do you think of it?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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