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More Thoughts From Me #168: Don’t Count Your (Animal Crossing) Chickens

I was going to write a column about how Animal Crossing for the Switch might delayed and then Nintendo reconfirmed that the game was coming out in 2019 last week! So I thought…I should write about them possibly delaying the game anyway. Why? Because we all think the game is safe now. No game is safe from the all powerful delay.


Nintendo says that Animal Crossing for the Switch is coming out in 2019. I don’t believe them.

We haven’t seen any footage of the game yet. We also have no idea when this year the game is coming. September seems like the likely date, according to Nintendo fans like Stealth and me, but when has Nintendo ever done the likely thing?

Usually when I try to predict Nintendo I’m wrong. They always seem to do the opposite of what I guess they’ll do, just like I would try to predict how a live casino game will turn out…

So just because Nintendo says a game is coming this year, well, it could still get delayed anyway. It also could be that they mean fiscal year 2019…which extends to March 2020. You did notice the “new fiscal year” part of the image above right?

I’ve also been guessing that we’ll see Animal Crossing Switch at E3. We may not. Nintendo might have a Direct before E3 that reveals the game. I highly doubt that we’ll see a Nintendo Direct before E3. It just doesn’t seem likely at all but you know, Nintendo loves surprises so I wouldn’t totally rule it out.

And Nintendo could surprise us, not show Animal Crossing at E3 and then reveal it in July or August for later in the year. I’m not sure why they would do that. I’m not in Nintendo marketing. They shouldn’t hire me at all!

Is Animal Crossing Switch coming this year? Am I just being too paranoid about this? Should I have more faith in Nintendo? Let me know in the comments. Bonus question: When do you think Nintendo will reveal Animal Crossing for the Switch?

Last distrubing thought, not about Crossing: Zelda games are pretty always delayed…

Next week: Joycon drift. The issue is real….real terrible. My joycons have suffered through it for awhile now. I’m getting some new joycons soon. Will the drift go away? Will I be able to play my Switch normally again? I’ll report in next week!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. These are not the droids you’re looking for.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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