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Mini Mario and Friends Early Access


Nintendo has only teased a few details about Mini Mario and Friends, but from what we have seen, it looks intriguing for a free-to-play title. Right now, Nintendo is allowing players to have early access to the game with the purchase of a qualifying amiibo at various retailers, including GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy. It really is a win-win for Nintendo. Numerous non-amiibo owners will justify the cost of a 9.99 amiibo if it means early access to Nintendo latest ‘idea.’


Mini Mario and Friends will be a hit, no doubt about that. Nintendo has done a really good job of taking various ideas and brining them to the masses, with great success. We feel Mini Mario and Friends will be no different. One of our writers, Daniel Fugate, has already been going through a bit of what the game has to offer, and will be doing a write up shortly of his early impressions. Until then, we will stay on top of everything related to Mini Mario and Friends and post it up here on GamesReviews. If you have thoughts about the title, reach out to us on social media. We might post a few of those comments in upcoming articles.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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