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Mechstermination Force

Do you remember Shadow of the Colossus? Its the game where you have to climb giants and defeat them! What if you took that idea and turned it into a 2D action shooter? You might have Mechstermination Force for the Nintendo Switch! But would you have a good game?


Mechstermination Force is an 2D action shooter that has you facing off against giant robots/creatures. Each “level” is a giant boss fight and thats it. This boss fights are beyond epic and will take a lot of talent and luck to win. Mechstermination Force is a hard game. Its also a lot of fun.

The characters in this game will remind you of Contra. The gameplay is actually pretty similar to that too. However, the boss fights separate this game from the good ol’ fashioned shooters. There are no long levels to go through until you get to the boss. Instead, the player is presented with a hub where they can buy powerups, talk to allies, and then choose a boss to fight.

Mechstermination’s controls are easy to learn but that doesn’t mean you’ll have an easy time with the bosses. Just like Shadow of the Colossus, you’ll have to climb onto the boss and take them down. Of course, with this game you have to avoid missile and sometimes laser attacks while doing so!

And then there’s the game’s graphics which are absolutely great. Mechstermination Force has a wonderful artstyle and the huge bosses are very cool. Not only that, but each area you fight in is different and well put together. The game’s music and sound effects are very well done too.

I do wish, however, there are a little more to do in this game. Sure the boss fights are fun, but I do wish there were some regular levels to explore. I think these bosses combined with some short shooting levels would have been nice.

Even so, Mechstermination Force is a really great game. The bosses fights are fantastic and the game’s graphics and sound combine to make this an enjoyable experiance. As long as you go into Mechstermination Force realizing that the boss fights are the only attraction, then you’ll be fine!

Mechstermination Force gets an 8.0 out of 10.

Thanks to Plan of Attack for providing a digital code for this review. Mechstermination Force is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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