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Injustice 2 – Shattered Alliances Trailer Part 5-Brainiac Attacks!

In Part 5 of the Injustice 2 trailers, the real villain of the game is revealed! Please check out the trailer and then come back for thoughts on it.

This Injustice 2 trailer is mostly focused on the story for the game. We finally find out that Brainiac is the main villain of Injustice 2. If you don’t know Brainiac, then let me tell you a bit about him.

Brainiac is a Superman villain. In the different incarnations that I’ve seen him in, Brainiac was an A.I. that survived from Superman’s doomed planet Krypton. Not a good A.I either. Brainiac has tried over and over to defeat Superman. Of course, Superman always defeats Brainiac! And this time, he won’t have to do it alone. As you can see in the trailer, Batman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and others (SWAMP THING) help Superman in his fight against Brainiac. The cinematics in this game look very epic and exciting.

We do get a look at Brainiac fighting some in the trailer too and its pretty cool. Injustice 2, overall, is shaping up to be a game that superhero fans, especially DC fans, will not want to miss!

Injustice 2 will be coming to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on May 16th.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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