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Bank of Nook Lowers Interest Rates

You heard it here folks – after getting my game all ready to go for the major April update, I reloaded my game only to get a nasty letter from one of the big banks on my island. Can you believe it? In these hard times, the Bank of Nook is actually lowering interest rates!


When you eventually get the update yourself, be prepared for a lower interest rate – we aren’t sure exactly what percentage Nook is paying us for our savings accounts, but rest assured…it’s lower. Why? Who knows – to make Animal Crossing: New Horizon feel more real? Either way, you will get some presents for updating and taking a hit to your interest rate. I will assume it is universal for all players, but if not, my haul was a Bell-Bag Rug and the World Map.

How much money have you stashed away in your bank? Have you made decent interest in the past – let us know!



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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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