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4 Reasons to Use a Dual or Triple Monitor Setup

Have you ever thought about why people, especially gamers, have more than one monitor on their desks? A multi-monitor setup does look cool, but there are valuable reasons why they do this. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the reasons why many people opt for two or even three monitors.

Multitasking Real Estate

Most people use their gaming setups for more than one thing. Some people game and edit videos, while others create other types of content on their gaming computers. Having two or more monitors gives them more real estate for what they do when they are not gaming. For example, those who edit videos can have notes and folders open on their secondary screen and their video editing software on their primary screen.


If you stream, you need more than one monitor so you can play on the primary one and have your stream and other information on the other screen.

It Allows You To Take Breaks Without Breaking Workflow

Getting back to what you were doing on a single monitor can break your workflow because you might have to go through several windows and folders looking for what you were working on. With a dual or triple-monitor setup, this isn’t necessary.

You can have one screen dedicated to what you are working on and the other with windows of what you like to do during your breaks. If you play some games while on longer breaks, you could play some casino games on your second screen without minimizing what you were doing on the primary display. If you’re looking for some games to play on your longer breaks, check out these casino reviews that allow you to gamble online for real money.

Once you are done with your break, you can get back to work without any hassle.

Easy File Referencing

You likely reference different files all the time when working. You could have a PDF with product specifications on one side while creating a document or report on the other. You do not have to think about switching windows while working, which will save you valuable seconds that can add up during the workday.

Also, having multiple monitors makes comparisons easy. If you are a developer, for example, you might have documentation with code examples on one screen and your code editor on the other. You can compare the examples given with your code easily, or even reference the documentation to ensure you are writing the right code.

Flexible Workspaces

If you have a home office, multiple monitors can give you flexible workspaces. There will be instances where you only want to work on your laptop, so you disconnect and take it with you. In some cases, you might need a second monitor. You connect it to the laptop easily and now you have multiple screens to work with.

A dual or triple-monitor setup gives you lots of productivity and gaming benefits that you should take advantage of. The best thing is that getting everything set up is relatively easy as you do not need any extra software to use multiple monitors.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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