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More Thoughts From Me #163: Its A Final Fantasy World

I was going to write about Final Fantasy 3 (DS) for this installment. And then I got World of Final Fantasy Maxima for the Nintendo Switch and I completely stopped playing FF3. I think I’ll get back to it eventually. Maybe. But for now, I decided to write about World of Final Fantasy Maxima instead of FF3. Mainly because I have a lot to say about this game. Wow, do I ever. So sit back, relax, and check out my thoughts on World of Final Fantasy Maxima for the Nintendo Switch.


I’m addicted to World of Final Fantasy Maxima. Even when I’m not playing this game, I’m thinking about playing this game. I did not realize how great this game was before buying it.

I played a demo of World of FF on the Playstation 4. I wasn’t impressed by it. Still, I kept seeing footage of this game and really wanted to play it. Then it went on sale for Switch and I tried to resist it, but I couldn’t…

World of Final Fantasy hooked me right away. I’m not a Pokémon fan. I’ve tried the games and I could never get into them. World of FF has a bit of Pokemon in its DNA, however you capture mirages aka Final Fantasy monsters, instead of Pokémon. The player also can stack the monsters you catch on top of or below the main characters. The capturing of monsters plus stacking is a lot of fun. But as fun as it is, its not  the reason why I’m so addicted to this game. Neither is the battle system or the random battles.

I love turn-based battles. The game also has random battles, which I have a love/hate relationship with. I like the concept of random battles but in practice, I kind of wish I could skip some of the battles (like with FF9 on Switch).

No, the real reason why I’m so addicted to this game is its concept of taking so many different Final Fantasy characters and towns and throwing them all into a blender and creating a new world with them. I love seeing all of these characters together. I love exploring the towns and dungeons. The cutscenes in this game, from in-game to anime’ style cutscenes rock too.

World of Final Fantasy is sort of like Kingdom Hearts. Instead of a bunch of Disney characters with seperate worlds, we get a bunch of Final Fantasy characters in one really unique cool world.

Yeah I’m loving the battle system and the monsters and the stacking, but give me that next cutscene or that next FF character cameo or whatever surprise is around the next corner. I really love World of Final Fantasy’s story!

Its dialogue, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. Some of the dialogue is good, but most of the good dialogue doesn’t come from the main characters. Those two (or three techically) have a lot of stupid dialogue.

So World of Final Fantasy Maxima isn’t perfect. Its dialogue could better. The game also has some fuzzy graphics here and there on the Switch. There can be too many random battles at times. I think some people will find the game a bit easy but I love that the game isn’t too challenging. I want to see where the story will take me next!

Someone on twitter said to me that World of Final Fantasy Maxima is a real gem. I totally agreed. Despite any nitpicks I have, I love this game. I don’t think I’ve loved a Final Fantasy related game like this since…Final Fantasy 10 maybe.

If you are an FF fan and haven’t played this game, what are you waiting for?! Pick this game up on the Switch, PS4, or Xbox One. Play this game!

I’d love to see a sequel to World of Final Fantasy. I think it would actually be an amazing Nintendo Switch exclusive series. Hey, I can dream.

Have you played World of Final Fantasy Maxima? Who is your favorite character in the game?

Next week: With the rumor that Xbox Live Game Pass may come to the Switch eventually, I just have to dream about the Xbox games I’d love to play on the Switch! So next week you’ll get my top 10 favorite Xbox games and why I think they’d be cool on Nintendo’s newest console/portable.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Final Fantasy 7 is coming to the Switch next week!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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