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Some PS4 Owners Unhappy with 1.6 Update


The 1.6 update hit for the PS4 this morning, and it does surprisingly little – nothing, in fact, if you don’t have a camera or a headset, or if you don’t watch DVDs. Those who are still enjoying their console regardless of the update or people with cameras and headsets are chuffed to bits over Sony’s latest release, but others are less impressed, wondering just where all the features are?

From the official PlayStation forums:

Not even worth downloading. Shocking.

This sounds more like a 1.53 update to me rather than a 1.6. Those three new “features” really don’t blow me away, literally..

I’m guessing that there’ll be a major firmware update in the Spring, which hopefully will have some more features requested by the PS4 gaming community.

From Twitter:

Took me an hour to figure out the #PS4 has to do a 1.6 update before you can do anything and now i just cant be arsed to play :/

From Neogaf:

Still no resuming games from standby? 🙁

Are they serious? This should be 1.53 not 1.60.

anyone else get that annoying lag between the boot logo, the epilepsy warning and dash loading?

So many things missing from this update… I really hope SONY is listening to their fans as they claim to be–there’s a huge list of minor and major things about the PS4’s OS and UI that still need addressed.

It’s a little disappointing that 3 months after launch this is all we’re getting. 

No fix on the 15 minutes of recorded gameplay?
I really think it will be a year before PS4 (and XBONE) get the basic media features PS3/360 had. They are on the “Get it out the door” version of the OS.
So first reaction is rather a mixed bag. People who expected too much, or have Sony really underwhelmed here, focussing on an update that’ll benefit their own product but not the majority of their consumers? All I can say is that it’s awesome I’ll no longer have to start a party every time I have to play online – the camera mute is a very welcome addition.

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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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