Microsoft going all out on Ultimate Sales
If you’ve just purchased an Xbox One, or if you’ve been cash strapped and missed out on some of the best Xbox One games available, Microsoft is about to make your day…for a small fee. All this week, Microsoft has discounted many Xbox One titles ranging from the overpriced Angry Birds Star Wars to the the always magnificent Halo series.
There is a little bit of everything available in this sale, but I will post a few of the highlights below. If you have a few dollars to spend, this is the week to do it. Microsoft has never been one to slack when it came to offering deals – their weekly Deals with Gold are always pretty decent – and this case is no different. What makes these sales even better: they aren’t limited to Gold members, although the discounts are bigger if you have Xbox Live Gold. Here are the highlights (courtesy of Xbox Live’s Major Nelson – Larry Hyrb):
Alien Isolation: 60% (Gold), 50% (Silver)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare: 33% (Gold and Silver)
Destiny: 33% (Gold and Silver)
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor: 40% (Gold), 33% (Silver)
Watch_Dogs: 60% (Gold), 50% (Silver)
There are many other titles available for various discounts: Sniper Elite III, Monopoly, Angry Birds, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, Trials Fusion, and still many more.
Xbox 360 games are also discounted this week. All discounts (by percentage) can be seen 0n Major Nelson’s Blog.