Xbox Games Come and Go, but Nintendo Stays
The last few years have not been the greatest for Nintendo. The 3DS – while still popular – never found the success the original DS had, and the same can be said about the Wii U – more drastically – when compared to the Wii. Fans and haters will sit around for the first half of 2016 waiting on Nintendo NX news. One party getting ready for the hype, and the other looking for reasons to hate. If I am speaking honestly, the Wii U is my least favorite Nintendo console, but has some of my favorite Nintendo games. In my house, Nintendo games stay, while other console titles come and go. While Nintendo platforms this generation lack the variety and heavy hitters, they have all the titles that continue to get play time in my home.
Forza Horizon 2 has come and gone. Fallout 4 has come and gone. I can say this about any major release on Xbox One. Gone is Batman: Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Dragon Age Inquisition, and more. I play them, I beat them, I sell them or give them away. Mario Kart has stayed. New Super Mario Bros U. has stayed. Mario 3D World has stayed. Perhaps it is because Nintendo games never get discounted, and so buying back, say, the Witcher 3 in a year might not be that big of a deal, if I should want to play it. But I want to believe it is something else. Nintendo games scream replayability. Nintendo games are accessible, and therefore, really are the perfect games.
If I stilled owned the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, I might play it a handful of times in 2016. The same can be said about Super Smash Bros. Missing out on the Witcher is not a big deal to me, but not having Smash Bros. – even if just to play once all year – seems devastating to me.
Nintendo titles hold value the best, and I don’t think anyone would discredit that statement. This makes there lack of success lately so dumbfounding. Hopefully the NX performers differently. Regardless, Nintendo will always be my first and favorite, Video Game love!