Story of Seasons Still Taking Up my Time

Story of Seasons has been out for a LONG while now, and XSeed Games and Marvelous have all but moved on from this title. Shortly, a Story of Seasons spinoff will launch – which we hope to cover – but this isn’t why I am writing. I’m writing today because Story of Seasons is fantastic, and you should get it!
I’ve written a review, diary entries about my game play, and other articles. In each, I’ve raved about my experience. It’s Harvest Moon but not Harvest Moon. Harvest Moon as a franchise has gone in ways that I’m not a fan of, but Story of Seasons has brought that feeling back, but with a different name. My in-game play time clock is slowly inching towards 100 hours and I’ve now played many years.
I’m still not bored, and this is saying a lot for a game that should have a shorter life span. But something about taking care of my farm, finding expensive and rare gems, and talking with town folks keeps me playing day after day, week after week. Frankly, I am of the opinion that Story of Seasons really didn’t receive enough love when it launched, and that perhaps, too few people actually dove into what this game had to offer.
Get it. Really, if you love this type of game – whether life simulation or farm simulation – there is so much to enjoy. You can expand your farm, build extra barns, diversify your crops, upgrade your house, create seeds, and so, so, so much more. You can run a successful store down in town, compete with locals for extra crop plots, and take trips to the safari.
Do yourself a favor. If you can find a copy of Story of Seasons and begin playing. You won’t regret it!