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Revisiting Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

When Final Fantasy Tactics Advance came out on the Gameboy Advance, I didn’t play it much. My father was a huge fan of the game; he played the game over 200 hours! I loved the original PS1 game, but I just never could get into Advance. And then I got the game on the Wii U and I’m now I’m hooked! Why do I like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance so much? Let me tell you!


Square Enix put Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the Wii U eshop this week. I downloaded it and I’ve already got four hours on the game. While Tactics Advance is less serious than the PS1 game, it still has quite a few things going for it. I love how the game introduces other races and gives each of the races specific jobs that only they can have. For instance, I just got a Moogle Gunner! He has a gun and can attack a long distance away. I also have a Templar and a White Monk, which are specific to the Bangaa race. The game also introduces clans and, in doing so, makes the fantasy world feel a bit more real. There are suddenly all these other clans out there trying to do even better than you. Of course, the best part of the game is the battle system.


You have to love Final Fantasy Tactics Advance’s battle system. Turn-based strategy games are very rare on the Wii U. Tactics Advance was created by the masters of this type of gameplay. In this second entry in the series, the battle system is similar to the first game, with one notable exception. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance introduces Laws to the equation. Laws are rules that you must follow or the character that breaks the Law will be thrown in jail. So, you may get a Law that says its forbidden to use Lightning, but its recommended to use Fire. If you use fire, you may be rewarded for doing so. The game rewards characters that attack using the recommend power with JP points. However, if you use Lightning you’ll find yourself headed to jail and have to pay out some gil to get the character out of jail. This new twist to Final Fantasy Tactics’ tactical gameplay adds a lot. You really have to keep an eye on what laws are in place. The game can be pretty challenging at times, but I think Final Fantasy fans and strategy fans will love Tactics Advance.


I’m not going to assume that everyone thats reading this has played this game. It took me awhile to get into this game, I’m sure other people have had this problem or haven’t played the game at all. If you have a Wii U, I highly recommend this game. Its a lot of fun and it looks better than ever on the Wii U. Now go forth and create the best clan ever!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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