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Reading Comics On The Nintendo Switch: A Look At InkyPen

InkyPen is an app on the Nintendo Switch that lets you read from a big library of comics for $7.99 a month. As a comic book fan, I was very interested to see what the service was like. I contacted InkyPen and asked if I could review the service. They said yes and I received a month long subscription. Here’s what I think of InkyPen so far.

InkyPen is an app for the Nintendo Switch. For $7.99 per month, the app lets you access a library of comics that you can read whenever you want. The comics are even downloadable: you can download them and read them wherever, whenever!

The current library is pretty big too. I was especially happy to see so many Hellboy and Hellboy related comics. The service also has Ghostbusters, Transformers, Star Trek, X-Files, and many other comics. I was also really pleased to see Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes strips available to read!

Unfortunately, the service does not have Marvel, DC, or Image Comics. If it had all of those, it would be 100% perfect. I hope that these comic companies will join the service sooner rather than later.

What about the comic book reader though? What is it like reading comics on the Nintendo Switch?

InkyPen’s comic book reader is really good! You can navigate the comics via the touch screen or via the Switch’s controls. I prefer using the controls but I’m glad touch screen interaction was included. And the zoom on the reader is the best I’ve seen on any service! You can zoom right in on a panel and its very easy to read the books.

I have only encountered one glitch with the reader so far. There was one time where a page on a graphic novel was obviously missing. I went out of the app, went back in, and the page was there. I haven’t had any other issues yet.

Overall, I love InkyPen. I’m seriously considering paying for the app after my trial period is over.

I do wish InkyPen had Marvel, DC, and Image Comics. I’d love to read Spider-man, Batman, and Savage Dragon on my Switch. Hopefully that’ll happen. Still, there are plenty of other comics on the service that I want to read right now.

I plan to write another article about this service after my trial period is up. That article will have a review score and I’ll let you know if I plan to keep the app. Please stay tuned to for more on InkyPen!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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