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Image and Form Announces SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

During today’s Indie Highlight video from Nintendo UK, a new Steamworld game was announced! We have the trailer for the game and more infomation below.

Image & Form announced Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech today. The game is an rpg that uses cards to attack enemies.

According to a press release we received players will “Lead a party of heroic steambots through a beautifully hand-drawn world and intense battles, using only your wits and a handful of cards. Take on whatever threat comes your way by crafting your own deck, choosing from over 100 unique punch cards!”

Steamworld Quest is further described as a “luscious treasure chest filled with gold, dragons, vivid worlds, magic, knights in shining armor as well as XP, turn-based battles and all that good RPG stuff! The humorous mix of traditional fantasy and steampunk robots makes for an unforgettable experience with lots of laughs.”

I love Steamworld Dig, Dig 2, and Steamworld Heist. Image & Form always does a great job with their games.

That said, I am not a big fan of card based rpgs. I wish they had gone with a regular turn-based rpg system instead of the cards. However, with this being Image and Form and Steamworld, I’m more than willing to give the game a chance. It does look fun despite my fear of card based rpgs (well its not really a fear…I guess…)

Plus, do you see those graphics?! Jaw dropping. Yes, even the cards look cool.

Steamworld Quest is coming out later in 2019. It’ll be on Nintendo Switch first, with it coming to other systems later.

Are you looking forward to Steamworld Quest?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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