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Our Fate Is Almost Here: Fire Emblem Fates Footage & Thoughts

Fire Emblem Fates comes out on February 19th in North America. There has been much controversy lately on Nintendo’s editing on the two games. We have thoughts on that, plus check out two new commercials of the game!

Nintendo won’t let us have our petting mini-game in Fire Emblem Fates!

Wait a second. What?

Yes, in Japan, Fire Emblem Fates had a mini-game where you pet character’s faces. The mini-game, supposedly, made you grow closer to your allies. But this mini-game won’t be in the North American version of Fire Emblem Fates. Nintendo has edited it out of the game. Why would they do that? Also, have you asked yourself this question: why was this mini-game even a thing?

Honestly, why do we care about a face petting game? These characters are not animals! Why should we care or want a game where you pet the face of an ally? This mini-game just doesn’t make sense to me. Sure, yes, it uses the touch screen, but in a senseless and useless way. I know this opinion might be controversial but, personally, I’m glad that Nintendo edited this mini-game out. In fact, I think it shouldn’t have been included in the first place. Fire Emblem Fates is an amazing strategy game and doesn’t need dumb mini-games like this.

As for why they did it, I think they realized that there would be a lot of people like me who didn’t understand the mini-game over here. They knew that there would be reviewers that saw the mini-game as a bad thing too. So, Nintendo cut the fat out of the game. Fire Emblem Fates will be better for it in my opinion.

Finally, I just want to leave you all with this thought: years ago before social media we would have never known about this edit. Nintendo use to just edit things out and we never knew about it. I think we were a lot happier than. We didn’t know what we might be missing (or not missing). We didn’t fight as much about games or belittle translators. Social media can be a good thing but it can also be a very bad thing.

I’m sure that, whatever you’re opinion of the edit is, you’ll enjoy Fire Emblem Fates. We hope to have a review of the game sooner or later on this site!

Are you looking forward to Fire Emblem Fates? Let us know in the comments!

Check out this second commercial for the game:


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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