Latest Gaming News

Watch Dogs Might Be Coming This Holiday Season
If a recent batch of leaked images are to be believed, Ubisoft’s upcoming new original IP Watch Dogs could be hitting store shelves as early as this holiday season

Crysis 3 pre-orders up 35% better than Crysis 2’s
EA reported today that Crysis 3 pre-order sales are 35% higher than the previous installment's. The publisher also announced that sales of Crysis 2 totaled three million units in 2011, approximately

Obsidian Entertainment Wants To Make New Fallout
In a recent interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart revealed his desire to have the Obsidian team create a new Fallout game.
New tomb raider gameplay video revealed
A new 11-minute gameplay video for Tomb Raider has been revealed. Dubbed ‘Monastery Escape’, it showcases Lara’s combat skills and survival instinct. This clip also highlights her ability to assess tough

Far Cry 3 Has Shipped Over 4.5 Million Copies
It’s a pretty obvious statement that people enjoyed Ubisoft’s latest entry in the Far Cry series but now we know just how much they enjoyed it. Ubisoft has revealed that Far Cry 3 shipped a staggering 4.5 million copies, surpassing even their high expectations.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt officially revealed!
Thanks to some revealing on the part of Game Informer, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has officially been announced to the world. As such, studio head Adam Badowski took to the blog for The Witcher 2 to reveal more information about The Witcher 3. The first thing of note is that this will be the last chapter in Geralt of Rivia’s story.
And The Best Selling Xbox Live Arcade Goes To…
Minecraft? Was it really that surprising? Partially (or mostly) thanks to Minecraft, revenues for Xbox Live Arcade for 2012, at $290 million, have doubled from 2011’s. I’m going to go ahead and predict that it will be the best-selling XBLA game of 2013 as well.
Arcadecraft On XBLA
The list of games with “craft” at the end of their title has just grown a little longer thanks to the release of Firebase Industries’ Arcadecraft in the Indie Games section of Xbox Live Arcade. In Arcadecraft, players assume the role of a struggling entrepreneur who must dig their way out of debt by starting and managing their own arcade. In addition to getting to name the arcade and customize its floor pattern, wall color, and decorations, players will also be able to purchase various arcade games from a total list of roughly 80 different machines.

Injustice: Gods Among Us “Red Son” Special Edition Coming To UK
NetherRealm Studios’ new DC-based brawler Injustice: Gods Among Us will be available on April 19th no matter where in the world you live. But fans living “across the pond” as it were will be able to get their hands on an exclusive ‘Red Son Special Edition’ of the game that includes a few extra goodies. Along with a copy of the game, the ‘Red Son’ Special Edition also comes with an exclusive “Steelbook” (which I assume contains concept art and…
Crysis 3 Open Beta Tests
Electronic Arts just revealed that the lates production of Crytek Studio - Crysis 3 will have open beta tests. The open beta will go live on January 29th on the Xbox 360, PS3, PC and will finish on 12 of February. Players will be able to test two from eight available game modes - Crash Site and Hunter. Special bonus was also added for all player which will buy game before end of beta tests.