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blank Articles 7 years ago

Earthlock: Festival of Magic Wii U Impressions

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is a brand new turn-based rpg for the Wii U eshop. Yes I just said a brand new game for the Wii U! You do not see that very often, especially now that even Nintendo has abandoned the system for the Switch. So I have to admit I was pretty excited for this game. I love rpgs, I love the Wii U, and I think its great to play a new game on the system again.…

blank Articles 8 years ago

LEGO Dimensions Adds Five Expansion Packs Today

LEGO Dimensions added five expansion packs today! We have a new trailer and information about the packs below. Five expansion packs came out today for LEGO Dimensions. Beetlejuice, Teen Titans Go!, and the Powerpuff Girls were added to the game! Check out this rundown of the packs via a PR e-mail we received: “Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today the release of five, highly collectable expansion packs for LEGO Dimensions, the LEGO toy and videogame hybrid. Team and Fun Packs…

blank Articles 8 years ago

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is coming to the Wii U soon

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is a role playing game I’ve had my eye on for awhile now. I was hoping it would still come to Wii U, but with a lot of companies switching over to Nintendo’s newest console, I wasn’t sure! Today,  Snowcastle Games announced that Earthlock is still on the way for Wii U and will be coming out this week in Europe and hopefully next week in the U.S. We have more details below. Earthlock: Festival of…

blank Articles 8 years ago

Powerpuff Girls Rescue Lego Dimensions in September

The Powerpuff Girls will be released for Lego Dimensions next month. Check out a new trailer below. The Powerpuff Girls packs will be out on September 12, 2017. That is the same day that the Beetlejuice and Teen Titans Go! packs will be out for Lego Dimensions. Here’s more information of the Powerpuff Girls packs (via a PR email we received): “The latest LEGO® Dimensions™ trailer introduces the crime-stopping trio, Blossom™, Bubbles™ and Buttercup™, as they lend their dynamic powers…

blank Articles 8 years ago

More Thoughts From Me #81: Rewrite History #DuckTales!

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history…Ducktales! Woo–oo. (stops singing). Yes, today I’m going to talk about Ducktales. Specifically Ducktales Remastered, a video game that came out on the Wii U awhile back. I’m sure it came out other places too but I played it on the Wii U. And now seems like a great time to talk about this game again with the new cartoon having just premiered last week! Was I supposed to talk about something else today?…

blank Articles 8 years ago

More Thoughts From Me #78: Wild (Zelda) DLC

I finally got the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC (for Wii U). Thanks to Adam Roffel and I should mention. Yes, I’m a bit late to the party. Even so, I thought it would be interesting to write some impressions on the first Zelda DLC. What do I think of it? Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been out since March now. Some people, including myself, had moved on from the game. However, in…

blank Articles 8 years ago

Nintendo Winning 2017?

While other companies have had impressive years – Sony with Horizon Zero Dawn and a new Uncharted soon comes to mind – has anyone really had the year Nintendo has? I’d argue no, and based on what we are seeing, Nintendo is poised to finish 2017 very strong, and continue that success into 2018. Here are our points for why Nintendo gets the shiny trophy for this year! Launched the Nintendo Switch – Everyone was pretty skeptical of what Nintendo…

blank Articles 8 years ago

Some New Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 2 Details

The first DLC pack for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild came out at the end of last month. A second DLC pack is expected later this year. Thanks to GameXplain (via Nintendo Europe) we have in development footage of the second DLC, plus some other information about the game. Please check out the video and then come back for my thoughts on it. Potential Spoiler Warning! The Breath of the Wild Champions DLC pack is coming out later…

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Cars 3: Driven to Win Review in Progress Part 2

We have been busying playing Cars 3: Driven to Win on the Nintendo Switch, and have been loving every minute of it! If you haven't see our impressions on the first half of the game, you can read them here. Today, we will be looking at the final two modes: Best Lap Challenge and Playground mode. We will finish things off by talking about customization and the achievements and objectives you will want to complete!

blank Articles 8 years ago

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 1 Was Shown Off Today

During the Treehouse today, the first Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack was shown off. Here are my impressions of what we saw today. Treehouse Live showed off The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 1 today. What can we expect from this first pack? First of all, we saw the Master Mode shown off. This new mode is a lot harder than the usual more and includes some new elements. The main new…