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blank News 11 years ago

EU PlayStation Plus Announcement Coming Tomorrow

The leak has you salivating - it's almost too good to be true. Might PlayStation Plus in EU territories really contain both Bioshock Infinite and Metro: Last Light? There's only one barrier stopping you from getting too excited: it's yet to be officially confirmed. Today, Sony's Fred Dutton has confirmed that they're hoping to have the Instant Game Collection announcement up tomorrow.

blank News 11 years ago

Dualshock 3 Usable on Jailbroken iOS 7

A brand new Jailbreak hack allows for users of iOS 7 to play controller-compatible games with a PlayStation Dualshock 3 controller. This is great news for those that want a controller for their phone but don't necessarily want to buy something new to go with it. It's easy to set up - presuming you already know the basics of a hacked phone - and will no doubt change the way some people play games on their phone.

blank News 11 years ago

Lightning Returns Demo Available Soon

Final Fantasy XIII wasn't everybody's cup of tea. Square Enix managed to fix the most common problems with Final Fantasy XIII-2, and there were still people that weren't satisfied with their purchase (or by the trailers they watched on YouTube, at least). Before you make the same mistake again with Lightning Returns, consider downloading the demo, available on Xbox 360 today and PlayStation 3 tomorrow.

blank News 11 years ago

February PlayStation Plus EU Update Leaked?

It looks like the February content for Europe's PlayStation Plus content may have been leaked, and boy is it a good'n. There's enough here to keep you going for the full year, let alone just for February, and owners of each console are going to be hard pushed to get through it all. Still, it's hard to deny the value, even if it just sits in your download list for the next six months.

blank News 11 years ago

Tomb Raider Profitable “From the End of Last Year”

A lot was made of the "irresponsibility of publishers" when Square Enix announced Tomb Raider was a stinking failure (although they didn't use those words). Despite the fact it had managed to push millions and millions of units in a matter of months, it had still not been profitable. While Crystal Dynamics' latest had garnered sales most developers would never even think possible, it still managed to sit in the red.

blank News 11 years ago

Next-Gen Dark Soul II Not Ruled Out

Dark Souls II is gearing up to be a great game for core gamers, and hopefully it'll manage to be just as tough as its predecessors. Here's the problem: a lot of core gamers have moved onto next-gen consoles and would probably quite like the bulk of their hobby to happen from the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Dark Souls II is only coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But hope is not yet lost.

blank News 11 years ago

The Last of Us DLC Releases Valentine’s Day

Worried that Valentine's Day just wasn't going to be special enough? Forget the notion: Naughty Dog have announced that their first piece of story-based DLC for their 2013 blockbuster The Last of Us will be released on February 14th. Apologise to your significant others, it seems that candlelit dinner for two will have to be postponed.

blank News 11 years ago

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Coming Early February

It was the surprise fantasy detective story of 2013, but unfortunately Telltale's The Wolf Among Us disappeared of a lot of radars when the developer announced episode two wouldn't be available until 2014. Now, with the first episode of season two of The Walking Dead out of the way, Telltale have announced a more specific release date: the first week of February.

blank News 11 years ago

GTA Online to Evolve with Fan Feedback

GTA V was a real success story, quickly becoming a record breaker despite releasing at the end of the year. It continues to be popular, although a lot of people are disappointed with the online mode. That could change though, and for the better. Rockstar are watching your reaction, and they're taking notes!

blank News 11 years ago

Final Fantasy XIV Has Free Login Weekend

Square Enix have today announced that Final Fantasy XIV will be having a free login weekend over the next few days for EU-based players.