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blank News 11 years ago

SimCity Getting Offline Play

Still hungry to play EA's latest Sim City, but have been angrily holding your ground, refusing to buy it, after learning that it required you to be always online? Well, after some big promises and a lot of lies about what the cloud was doing in the background, the publisher has announced that Sim City will soon be playable offline.

blank News 11 years ago

SOE Teases Games That’ll Please PS2 Players

Sony Online Entertainment are working on a set of unannounced games, some of which CEO John Smedley claims PS2 players "might just like". With Everquest Next handling the main Everquest line going forward, it might just be that Sony are looking to revive the Champions series.

blank News 11 years ago

Final Fantasy XIV Has Free Login Weekend

Square Enix have today announced that Final Fantasy XIV will be having a free login weekend over the next few days for EU-based players.

blank News 11 years ago

Planetside 2 Subscription Changes Explained

Planetside 2 on PC is a fantastic game, and those that love it enough to subscribe are going to see some changes over the next few months. Instead of the 500SC they've been recieving each month as a reward, they'll instead be able to choose any one item up to 2000SC. On the surface this seems like a fantastic deal, but it's worried some long term fans. CEO John Smedley jumped on Reddit to clarify the changes:

blank News 11 years ago

Titanfall Maximum Player Count is 6v6

Titanfall is looking to offer an alternative arcade shooter experience that'll compete nicely with Call of Duty while pushing the genre on a little. Today, some were worried that things hadn't changed enough, with the announcement that the maximum number of combatants in a match will be 12.

blank News 11 years ago

Alien: Isolation Announced

Looking for something to scare your socks off? Alien: Isolation looks like it might actually be that game, and while we've been disappointed by the IP before, SEGA look to have fixed things completely this time around. Horror? Check. Deadly aliens? Check. Unnecessary character link to previous entries? Check. Hell - it could even be a new entry in the film franchise.

blank News 11 years ago

Left 4 Dead Devs Announce Evolve

There really aren't enough co-op multiplayer games around, to the point where Left 4 Dead manages to stand out basically unchallenged. They're fantastic games in their own right, especially if you have people to enjoy them with, but ultimately there isn't much competition. That's going to change soon, when Evolve is released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC later this year.

blank News 11 years ago

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Not Coming To PC

Ok, so Square Enix are playing this game. Despite the fact that a Game of the Year edition is almost certainly coming to PC, and despite the fact that it would make sense to have the new features of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition in that Game of the Year release, Eidos representatives are still saying that it isn't going to happen.

blank News 11 years ago

You Won’t Be Modding Titanfall on PC

Titanfall is looking like it'll be a fun sci-fi arcade shooter and a great boon to Xbox 360 and Xbox One. PC gamers will also be able to pick it up, and, if Call of Duty has been anything to go by, it'll be a pretty nice experience through that as well. One things for certain though: you won't be downloading mods for the game any time soon, probably not at all.

blank News 11 years ago

Hackers Make Wii U Tablet Stream From PC

Hackers have managed to get the Wii U Tablet working without the Wii U console, a feat that will no doubt significantly raise the interest in the Wii U controller for the gaming demographic that enjoying playing video games while sat on the toilet. It’s not all good news though: Nintendo still don’t sell the gamepads separately, and that might make attaining one without buying a console rather difficult. Still, the good news is that it works, and the possibilities…