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blank News 11 years ago

Distro Horizons VS Galaximo on Kickstater

Recently, UK based indie developer Kitatus Studios, launched a Kickstarter campaign for Distro Horizons VS Galaximo’s Army.A 3D Collectathon game inspired by classic titles such as Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot and Conker’s Bad Fur Day.

blank News 11 years ago

Indie Game ReVeN Recieves First Trailer

Today, Indie developer Varia Games started a Kickstarter campaign for their up and coming Metroid-esque, side-scrolling action adventure game, ReVeN.While the game draws heavy inspiration from the Nintendo classic Metroid. ReVeN promises to offer some unique and innovative ideas of its own. Providing players with a "shooter/platformer EVOLVED" experience, akin to the Metroid and Mega Man games of old, but with new and innovative gameplay mechanics and RPG elements, the likes of those you would find in such popular titles as Crysis and Deus Ex.

blank News 11 years ago

Behind The Scenes Look At South Park: The Stick of Truth

The behind-the-scenes video for South Park: The Stick of Truth that was originally shown at Comic Con last year is now available to watch on YouTube. It's primarily an interview with Matt Stone and Trey Parker as they discuss the video game development process, but there's some good in-game footage for this much anticipated title. The game has been in the works for what seems like forever, but it will finally be released come March for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. It's an RPG that tries to capture the essence of the show, which means plenty of dong and fart jokes, and a visual style that looks as "crappy" (their words) as the hit cartoon.

blank News 11 years ago

Tomb Raider 2 to be more Skyrim

Tomb Raider was a great game, but it had very little in common with the massively open-world RPG The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's not a problem most of us picked up on, but apparently it's something the developers hope to rectify for Tomb Raider 2.

blank News 11 years ago

“Active Development” Halted on Gone Home Oculus Rift

Gone Home seems like an obvious candidate for the 3D VR set Oculus Rift, the little device that's already revolutionizing gaming for some people (or so you'd believe if you spent any time on Reddit). Still, it's not as simple as that, and because of the extra work that would be needed to make Gone Home a "good" Rift game, the developer has announce active development has halted.

blank News 11 years ago

Early Access Titanfall Players “Forbidden” from Sharing Opinions

It's no surprise that users with early access to an upcoming game won't be allowed to share screens, video, opinions or even details about said game ahead of its release, but, yup, Titanfall will be the same. Only made noteworthy by the fact the developers took to Twitter to confirm it, it seems some fans are desperate to share their results.

blank News 11 years ago

Tomb Raider Profitable “From the End of Last Year”

A lot was made of the "irresponsibility of publishers" when Square Enix announced Tomb Raider was a stinking failure (although they didn't use those words). Despite the fact it had managed to push millions and millions of units in a matter of months, it had still not been profitable. While Crystal Dynamics' latest had garnered sales most developers would never even think possible, it still managed to sit in the red.

blank News 11 years ago

Valve Clarify Refund Policy for Cancelled Early Access Games

Playing an Early Access game on Steam when suddenly the developer goes quiet? You've paid your money and been given a buggy mess in return, on the promise that some day it'll be a fully-fledged game with actual polish? Tough beans, if the game's developers bail out when development is part through, you're stuck with your purchase, Valve has said.

blank News 11 years ago

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Coming Early February

It was the surprise fantasy detective story of 2013, but unfortunately Telltale's The Wolf Among Us disappeared of a lot of radars when the developer announced episode two wouldn't be available until 2014. Now, with the first episode of season two of The Walking Dead out of the way, Telltale have announced a more specific release date: the first week of February.

blank News 11 years ago

DayZ Sold One Million in a Month

It might not be taking on the likes of Grand Theft Auto, but the standalone edition of DayZ is doing incredibly well. In only a single month it has managed to sell a million copies on Steam, something that's incredibly impressive by almost any standard. It's doing even better when you realize it's currently part of Steam's Early Access initiative and it's not even properly released yet (or, rather, not in a fully stable state).