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blank News 11 years ago

Thief Runs at 1080p on PS4, 900p on Xbox One

Square Enix have today confirmed to Eurogamer that the PlayStation 4 version of Thief will run at 1080p, whilst the Xbox One version will run at only 900p. It's a minor difference in actuality, and one that they say "you really need good eyes to see the difference."

blank News 11 years ago

Titanfall Beta Sign-Ups live

You can now sign up to the Titanfall beta, EA have announced. If you go take a look at the official Titanfall website, you'll be lead through a process of getting onto a list for the beta. You can currently sign-up for the Xbox One or PC versions of the game. Both, unsurprisingly, require you to have an Origin account.

blank News 11 years ago

New Batman Title to be Announced Soon?

Last year's Arkham Origins was always going to be a filler game. As good as it was, it had the unpleasant task of being stuck between Arkham City and whatever Rocksteady are building for next-gen consoles. How could it compete with one of the best rated games of this generation and the sheer hardware of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One? Soon we'll get to see exactly what we're holding out for - it seems Rocksteady are gearing up for a big announcement.

blank News 11 years ago

South Park PC Won’t Require uPlay

uPlay seems to have avoided the majority of the hate that EA’s Origin seems to get, although that doesn’t mean it gets all that much love. It’s still frustrating to load a game in Steam, only to have an entirely new program pop up out of nowhere, requiring new updates and processes. That’s why it’s good news that South Part: The Stick of Truth will be entirely Steamworks. This was confirmed by the official Obsidian Twitter account yesterday. @MacDragon Yep,…

blank News 11 years ago

Bioshock’s Burial At Sea Continues in March

If you're looking to plan a vacation over the next few weeks, why not wait and return to the lovely underwater hotspot that is Rapture? Irrational games today announced that Bioshock Infinite's final piece of DLC, Burial At Sea, will be available for download at the end of March - just be sure to prepare yourself for a roller-coaster of plot progression.

blank News 11 years ago

Tropico 5 Coming to PlayStation 4

Kalypso has today announced that their huge strategy/management sim Tropico will be making the jump to PlayStation 4 in the near future. Tropico 5 has you control an island over hundreds of years, adapting your playing style as your people learn to want and need new things.

blank News 11 years ago

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 Trailer Released

It's been an awfully long time since the first episode of The Wolf Among Us was released, and that' s not good for episodic content. I don't remember which decisions I've made or who the main characters are, but I do remember two things: telling Bufkin to 'eff' off, and that final shocking twist in the closing moments of the game. Well, despite the gap, Telltale today released a new trailer for The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2, and that it'll be available to download next week.

blank News 11 years ago

Titanfall DLC Already In Development

Titanfall is still a few months away from launch, but that doesn't mean that development has finished on it. There's a beta incoming, and that'll probably result in a bit of tweaking, and what's the chance of a major shooter coming out without a day-one patch to follow? That's not all the Titanfall staff are working on though. EA, via an earnings call to investors, have revealed that DLC is already being worked on by Respawn.

blank News 11 years ago

Trailer Released for Bioshock Infinite’s Burial At Sea Part 2

There's a huge problem with episode gaming. It takes so damn long. It seems months ago that we were playing The Wolf Among Us, and even longer ago that we returned to Rapture with Burial At Sea. That's mostly because it was months ago, and so the return of Elizabeth via a brand new trailer is something to get very excited about.

blank News 11 years ago

Indie Dev Announces Record Profits During Steam Weeklong Sale

An indie developer has spoken out on how beneficial having his game in the Steam Weeklong sale has been. Many developers have been quick in the past to post their surprise at just how much they can make by temporarily reducing the price of their game, but few have gotten excited about the Weeklong sale (which are being torn apart on sites like HotUkDeals).  Joe Wintergreen-Arthur, the director behind InFlux, posted to Twitter today about the success of having the…