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blank News 11 years ago

EA Register Battlefield 5 Beta Site

Think Battlefield 4 is underwhelming? No need to worry - Battlefield 5 is on its way. That's not surprising though, there was never any reason to doubt EA would be bringing back their flagship shooter franchise. The question is how soon? Well, whatever happens, they're definitely keeping their options open, and have already registered the website for the Battlefield 5 beta site,

blank News 11 years ago

Far Cry 4 Coming 2015, Set in Himalayas

Eurogamer have leaked information on the next Far Cry game, confirming that it'll be very similar to Far Cry 3 but set in a snowier region. Far Cry 4 has been no secret, and was revealed by Ubisoft almost as soon as Far Cry 3 was released, although specific details have yet to be released. With this new leak, we've learnt an awful lot about the next title in the franchise, including when we're likely to catch out first glimpse.

blank News 11 years ago

Ubisoft Confirms Assassin’s Creed Unity

The other day we posted screens from a brand new Assassin's Creed set during the French Revolution. Called Assassin's Creed Unity, the game is exclusive to new-gen consoles, and the video below apparently shows in-game visuals. It's possible, although don't get your hopes up, that what we're seeing here will actually be what you see when you start playing.

blank News 11 years ago

Ground Zeroes Might Sneak to PC

Ground Zeroes has been a controversial but exciting project, and despite some issues people are still excited to see what's in store for Big Boss and team. If you own a Sony or Microsoft console, you'll be able to check it out. If you don't, you won't. It's as simple as that. It won't be coming to Wii U and it won't be coming to PC. Part of that statement might soon end up being incorrect though.

blank News 11 years ago

The Witcher 3 Coming in 2015

CD PROJECT have today announced that they'll be delaying The Witcher 3 into 2015. Although there was never a firm release date for the project, it was expected to be in stores in time for Christmas.

blank News 11 years ago

Atari Teases Rollercoaster Tycoon 4

There aren't many games that let you build up amazing rollercoaster rides that end with the track suddenly dropping out and the death of thousands of your guests. That's what makes Rollercoaster Tycoon such an important franchise. Because if you don't terrorize innocent avatars, who on earth will? It's been a while since the last outing was released - almost 10 years - so fans may be happy to learn that Atari are teasing a new entry in the series.

blank News 11 years ago

Batman: Arkham Knight Announced

Warner Brothers yesterday officially announced Batman: Arkham Knight for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The next-gen only detective game will be a sequel to Arkham City, and will be the last game in the series. Arkham Knight will take place in Gotham City proper this time around, and you'll have access to the Batmobile to help you move from place to place. You'll be able to get into the Batsuit once again this year.

blank News 11 years ago

Titanfall Won’t Have a Season Pass

If you've played an AAA game in the last twelve months, there's a good chance you've come across the concept of the 'Season Pass'. This gives you an entire collection of DLC at a reduced price, usually the cost of one DLC pack. It started, among other places, with Call of Duty, and Infinity Ward alumni Respawn were expected to continue the trend. They won't be - Titanfall will not have a season pass.

blank News 11 years ago

Titanfall Xbox One Exclusive Because Sony was “Mum”

Titanfall is an Xbox One exclusive (unless you have an Xbox 360 or PC). That's been a source of quiet disappointment for a lot of Sony-focussed arcade shooter fans with PlayStation 4s. It should be presumed that the biggest deciding factor behind the whole thing would be money, and yet Neogaf used Famousmortimer offers a slightly different look of things. Apparently the reason Titanfall ended up on Xbox One is because Sony was too quiet about what their plans for this generation were going to be.

blank News 11 years ago

Fallout 4 Not to be Revealed in 2014

The last year has seen more than a few rumours involving Fallout 4. Not a single one of them has so far been proven to be true, with only the vaguer "confirmed at release" rumours still holding any water. It seems any troll with the capacity to purchase a website has looked to Bethesda as a source, perhaps because Fallout fans are so desperate to find out what's going to be coming next. They ought to prepare themselves for a long wait though - it seems Fallout 4 won't even be announced this year, let alone see release.