Latest Gaming News

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Coming to PC
EA have this morning announced that the previously Xbox exclusive Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare will be coming to PC very soon. You can pre-order it from Origin today, although the press release also says that you'll be able to pick it up through other stores.

Goat Simulator Getting Retail Release
Goat Simulator is the latest YouTube sensation in which you, as a goat, must terrorize a small neighbourhood. Known for its mind-bending glitches and general inanity, as a game it sits somewhere alongside Surgeon Simulator in terms of depth. Still, this things can get popular, and so Koch Media, the publisher behind Saints Row, are bringing out a physical release in the UK.

First Image of Call of Duty 2014 Released
IGN and Sledgehammer have released an image of the next Call of Duty, supposedly from in-game footage. Call of Duty 2014 has yet to be fully revealed, although it was confirmed earlier this year that it would be made with a focus on new-gen consoles. Perhaps the release of this image, with its rather excellent texturing, is a continuation of that.

Minecraft – Legacy Launcher No Longer Supported
We wrote earlier about the OpenSSL problem that meant hackers could easily and safely get sensitive user information from some two-thirds of major servers in the world. One of the first to react to the news was Minecraft publisher Mojang, and they've been quick with sharing information since as well. The first change they're making is that the legacy launcher will no longer be supported, and that third-party launchers will need to be updated.

Minecraft Servers Down After Web-Breaking OpenSSL Bug Discovered
Hundreds of websites and servers are to be affected after the discovery of a web-breaking bug that makes an estimated two-thirds of all servers accessible to hackers. Passwords, bank details and more could be available to those that know how to get them, and it's not just favourite websites that are affected. The Minecraft servers, for starters, have been temporarily shut down while developer Mojang looks into the problem.

Frankie Dettori’s Online Slots Game
Frankie Dettori is a champion horse racing jockey and former Celebrity Big Brother contestant known by some, as Lester Piggott put it, as the "best jockey currently riding." He's best known for riding all the winners at British Champions' Day in 1996, and now he's got his name on an online slots title. Can you be a big winner in Frankie Dettori's Magic Seven, just like the man himself?

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in Development
It was only a month ago that Randy Pitchford said his studio wasn't working on a new Borderlands title and that hiding work on new titles was pointless, and here we are. Although it's true that Gearbox aren't directly working on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a new game set between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, 2K Australia apparently are.

Bethesda Defends Elder Scrolls Subscription
How many big publsihers have placed a subscription on their big AAA MMO, all the while spouting PR speak about it definitely being worth it? You can add one more - Pete Hines has defended the subscription for The Elder Scrolls Online by saying that a subscription only fails if you're not getting your money's worth.

Predator Leaping into Call of Duty
A short teaser video from the official Call of Duty Instagram page shows a distinctly Predator-esque level, with a distinctly invisible threat hunting the player. Although it's not expressly said that Predator will be making an appearance in the next set of DLC maps, which the video is a teaser for, it's pretty obvious. The description even has the quote "If it bleeds..." in it.

Facebook Buys Oculus Rift
Sometimes a news story comes along that's so completely surprising that you actually do a double take. This is one of those stories. Facebook have announced that it plans to acquire the virtual reality company Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Although Zuckerberg, in the post announcing the deal, say he doesn't plan to change the current gaming focus for the Rift, fans of the device have become upset and angry over the acquisition.