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blank News 11 years ago

Mortal Kombat X Announced

Warner Brothers have today announced the next entry in the Mortal Kombat series. Mortal Kombat X is the long-awaited follow-up to the semi-reboot Mortal Kombat 9, which was really a a remake of sorts of the first three titles in the franchise. Where will they go next? Thankfully, we won't have to wait long to find out, with details due to come out during E3.

blank News 11 years ago

Ubisoft just topped it’s own record for day one game sales with Watch_dogs

After just over two years in development delay limbo, to it's eventual release just two days ago, Watch dogs has been hyped as one of the big new IPs to watch out for (excuse the terrible pun).

blank News 11 years ago

Batman: Arkham Knight first gameplay trailer released

Let's back up a little, because the new trailer for Rocksteady's latest Batman offering; Batman: Arkham Knight has a whole lot of the good stuff to drool over.

blank News 11 years ago

Watch Dogs Should Run Well on Almost Any PC

Got a gaming PC? Good news then: Ubisoft's upcoming Watch Dogs should run fairly well for you. It's a decent looking game, but you're not going to need a super powerful rig to get it running. No, it's playable on 'ultra' settings with a Geforce 670 - a decent card but hardly high end.

blank News 11 years ago

TERA Adds Real Money Boob Jobs for in-game Avatars

If there's one thing that sells, it's boobs. Whatever your opinion on using a curvacious figure to push a product, there's no doubt that it works. The MMO genre is particularly heavy with mammary glands, and it's about to get heavier. TERA has just possibly become the first MMO to sell boob jobs for female characters... and they're charging real money to boot.

blank News 11 years ago

Red Dead Redemption Coming to PC?

Red Dead Redemption was one of the best games of the last generation, but one thing was missing. Rockstar never bothered to bring it to the PC, despite almost every other one of their games coming to Steam. Even Grand Theft Auto V is heavily rumoured to be on its way, but still no word on John Marsten. That might be about to change.

blank News 11 years ago

Ubisoft Didn’t Interfere in Child of Light Development

It's a well believed idea that major publishers hate originality and that they'll take a direct hand in development if they don't like the direction a game is going. While that may well happen, Child of Light writer Jeffrey Yohalem was surprised to find Ubisoft was nothing but supportive of his fairy tale RPG.

blank News 11 years ago

EA and Respawn to Continue Publishing Deal

Talks of sequels, extra platforms and an extended DLC release schedule might not have been enough to tip us all off that EA really wants Titanfall to become an industry staple. Thankfully, in an investor call today, the publisher has confirmed that they have extended their deal with Vince Zampella and the team at Respawn. That means Titanfall 2 is definitely happening.

blank News 11 years ago

Free Godzilla Game is Surprisingly Good

Excited for the new Godzilla film but disappointed that there's not a video game tie-in to keep you going till the movie is released? Well, actually there is. Godzilla: Strike Zone is absolutely free, playable in web browsers and on smart phones, and it's actually surprisingly good.

blank News 11 years ago

Bioshock Remade in Unreal 4 Looks Awesome

Bioshock was quite a nice looking game when it was first released, but it hasn't aged well on consoles. Even though it's only seven years old, I'm positive there are people out there that wouldn't mind seeing a bit of an update for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can add at least one more person to that list. The video below shows Bioshock as it would look in the Unreal 4 Engine. It convinced me, it might just convince you too.