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blank News 11 years ago

All the Controversy and, still, very few people are playing Depression Quest

The human race enjoys a good bit of drama, which is why the allegations against Zoe Quinn and the cast of the Usual Suspects is crashing internet forums and causing controversy up and down. The game at the heart of all this, Depression Quest, is still relatively ignored, despite tens of thousands of people obsessing over its creator.

blank Articles, News 11 years ago

Why You’ll Definitely return to the World of WarCraft This November

It’s no secret that WoW’s age old formula is beginning to feel outdated by this point, but it looks as if the Warlords of Draenor could be the shot in the arm the classic MMO needs.

blank News 11 years ago

Metro Developers Explain why Redux isn’t a free Upgrade

Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light are being re-released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC later this year, and while owners of the original titles on Steam are getting a 50% discount on the upgrade, some members of Valve's community are angry that they're not going to get the improved versions for absolutely nothing. The developers, 4A Games, have taken some time to explain just why that is, and it goes far beyond the "don't be greedy" that it could have been.

blank News 11 years ago

Petition Started to Bring Metal Gear Solid HD Collection to PC

Hundreds of dedicated Metal Gear Solid fans have signed a petition to bring the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection to PC. People around the world are adding their name to the list hoping to bring some of the most celebrated narrative franchises to Steam.

blank News 11 years ago

Mass Effect 4 Survey has received “Overwhelming Response”

After the fanbase-splitting ending to Mass Effect 3, a survey concerning the future of the franchise was always going to bring out people who wanted their opinions heard. While it's hard to envy the guy that has to go through it all over the coming months, one thing is certain: there have been an awful lot of responses.

blank News 11 years ago

EA Upgrades All Sims 2 Owners to the DLC-packed “Ultimate Edition” for Free

EA have this morning sent out an email confirming that owners of The Sims 2 will be receiving the "Ultimate Edition" of the game for free via Origin. Later this month they'll be dropping technical support for the 2004 hit, and want everybody to have "the most up-to-date" version in their collection. If you're a fan, prepare yourself for a huge amount of new DLC.

blank News 11 years ago

Latest Steam Update eases your OCD

When you get a decently sized library on Steam, certain things will begin to annoy you. Maybe it's the fact that the older GTA titles are listed twice in both PC and Mac variants, or that your Tomb Raider collection is totally out of order? It's not really the end of the world, not until you notice it anyway, at which point you'd trade in your left hand for someone to do something. Well, put down the meat cleaver, Steam's latest update fixes the issue, no blood necessary.

blank News 11 years ago

2K Games Announces Battleborn

2k Games have announced Battleborn, which is described as a next-gen hero-shooter that will be available on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. From Gearbox, the creators of Borderlands, the CGI reveal trailer showed no gameplay, but focused on five different characters all presumably playable that aide each other in battle from an onslaught of seemingly endless enemies. The game is said to have both a co-operative campaign as well as competitive multiplayer matches and will feature a multitude of formidable heroes.

blank News 11 years ago

Games For Windows Live… Not Dead?

Games for Windows Live wasn't something most people liked, and those same individuals were only too happy to see it go the way of the dodo. PC Gamers have been talking about the service shutting down for quite some time, since a patch to Batman Arkham City effectively ditched its DRM. Microsoft have been pretty definite in what they've been saying as well... until now.

blank News 11 years ago

EA Officially Announced Battlefield Hardline

Today Battlefield Hardline showed up at E3. I’ve not been a huge fan of the franchise, but this game immediately caught my attention. Hardline combines the gameplay of Battlefield with the well-known ‘catch me if you can’ game mode. The result seems to be a fast paced shooter with many decisions which can influence the outcome.