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blank News 9 years ago

New Content in Ori and the Blind Forest Is On Point

Ori and the Blind Forest received a perfect 10/10 score form us at Games Reviews and for good reason. This is by far one of the best games I have ever played. Graphically it is superb, audibly outstanding, and it plays almost flawlessly. When it was announced that more content was being added to the game, and that there was a definitive edition, we realized we were getting a second chance to gush about this fabulous game.

blank Articles 9 years ago

Oddworld Inhabitants Announces Oddworld: Soulstorm

I’ve been a fan of the Oddworld games since the first game on PS1. When it was announced that the new game, Oddworld N’Tasty, was coming to the Wii U I was really excited. As it turned out, New N’Tasty for Wii U was a great game! And now the developer, Oddworld Inhabitants, has announced a new game in the franchise. What’s this game called and what’s it about? Read on to find out!     Oddworld Inhabitants has announced…

blank Articles 9 years ago

Developer Two Tribes Announces Retirement After Next Game

Two Tribes has developed games such as Toki Tori 1, 2, Rush, and Edge. Their upcoming game, RIVE, is a departure from their usual puzzle focused games. Last year, gamers were given an early look at the game via a special E3 demo. This game is still coming, but the developer has now announced it will be their last game ever. Read on to find out why and what I think about this announcement. After RIVE, Two Tribes is calling…

blank News 9 years ago

Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress Launch Details

Just Cause 3 is a wonderful title. No story, no problem, at least in my opinion. The first of a few DLC packs has launched for the game, and we have a copy thanks to Square Enix for review. Here is what you can expect to find in this first DLC pack.

blank Articles 9 years ago

More Thoughts From Me #9: Virtual Reality Will Never Work

Virtual Reality will never work! Want to hear my totally uninformed opinion of current day VR? Read on! Virtual Reality is just a gimmick. There I said it. I know I’ll make some people upset with this opinion. There are people who love VR and want it to work. For some reason. I just do not get why. Back in the 90s, I went to a car show and tested out a virtual reality simulator. I thought it was neat,…

blank News 9 years ago

New Action RPG Shiness Very Promising

There is a new action RPG coming to consoles that are yet to be determined in 2016 from Focus Home Interactive. It is something new; a new world, new characters, and new items to experiment with. And it all look really, REALLY good. I'm a huge fan of Action RPG's and with the departure of the Tales series from Xbox One, I can only hope this fills that void and lands on my favorite home console.

blank News 9 years ago

Dying Light Getting Support Throughout 2016

Techland’s CEO, Paweł Marchewka, recently sent out an open letter to Dying Light Fans outlining continued support for the game throughout 2016. We really enjoyed Dying Light, especially the ability to play most of the game with a partner.

blank Articles, News 9 years ago

Survival Games Never Get Old

In my personal opinion, survival games never really get old because each developer does something a little bit different. ARK has dinosaurs, Don't Starve is just crazy, and the upcoming The Flame in the Flood incorporates potentially deadly river travel with island exploration.

blank Articles 9 years ago

May the Lego Force Be With You: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming In June

Traveler’s Tales has created a lot of Lego games for multiple consoles. The Lego game that started it all was Lego Star Wars and now Traveler’s Tales is going back to that Galaxy Far Far Away. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been announced and it will be coming in June 2016!   Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be coming to multiple systems (Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, etc) on June 28th. Game Informer will feature the…

blank News 9 years ago

First Few Hours of Just Cause 3

I received a copy of Just Cause 3 a few days ahead of its December 1st launch and realized one thing really quickly: the story in this game is pretty bad, but that does not matter in the slightest. Do not get me wrong, this game is outstanding and anyone picking up a Just Cause title for the story is doing it wrong. Reality check: Just Cause 3 is all about explosions, bigger explosions, and incredibly and physically impossible explosions. Explosions, explosions, explosions.