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French Developer DotEmu Releases Pang Adventure
French developer and publisher DotEmu has launched their latest title, Pang Adventure, on PC, Xbox One, and mobile today. Pang Adventure focuses on two protagonists that must save the human race from an alien invasion. With its bright graphics, Pang Adventure is sure to enlighten many players, both young and old.

@OMGitsJezy Reviews: S277HK 4k Acer Monitor
@OMGitsJezy is back again - shocker, really it is - and this time he is looking at a 4k monitor from the good people over at Acer. Acer makes a wide range of computer products - laptops to monitors - and Jezy recently reviewed one of their 4k models. Watch the video below for more on what Jezy thought of this product.

Activision Launching New Ghostbusters Game in July
If you cannot get enough of Ghostbusters - really, who can get enough, am I right?! - then perhaps you might be interested in Activision's upcoming Ghostbusters game for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. In this cooperative title, you and a band of three friends will roam around New York City removing the ghostly presence, one-by-one. There seems to be a heavy emphasis on cooperative couch play, something only indies are really pushing for now a days. If for no other reason, I hope this AAA game will be the driving force behind a resurgence in couch cooperative play. To the industries credit, more and more titles are bringing this back.

More Thoughts From Me #14: Stop With The Rumors Already!
” Hey listen…I’ve heard that the NX is…”. On the internet, anybody can say anything they want. They can tell you the truth and they can lie too. Oh boy they can lie. People especially love to make up rumors about stuff that they love or think they’ll love. They do that with things they hate too. When it comes to video games, this is pretty common. The worst part though is that fan sites will report these rumors…. Rumors…

Adam’s Venture Origins First Impresions
Adam Venture's Origins might not look the best, and may have some issues that make it a bit rough around the edges, but it does an excellent job of mixing adventure and puzzles in a title that is sure to impress. If you have longed for a puzzle game on Xbox One, and can't seem to find the desire to work through some of what Telltale is offering, I strongly recommend Adam Venture's Origins.

7 Days to Die by Telltale this summer
Telltale is at it again with another episodic title hitting PC and consoles this summer. Telltale will give their representation of "7 Days to Die," and if it is like any of their other projects, it will be fantastic!

Pirate Quantum Break to become…a Pirate?
Screens have surfaced showing off main Quantum Break character Jack Joyce sporting an eye patch with a skull and crossbones. First impressions by some have been that someone has found a way to create mods for Quantum Break, but the real situation is both funny and incredibly informative. The developers themselves have added this nifty touch to their game to highlight individuals who have pirated the game. This should make for some interesting comments on some people's Twitch or YouTube streams.

Quantum Break Releases Today
Quantum Break launches on Xbox One and PC today. we loved the title, enough to give it a 9/10. This is a great game, and unique in its presentation. Between the various acts you play through, counter balanced by the numerous TV episodes you will watch, really makes for a gripping and entertaining experience. While the game boasts choice, we do feel the maximum number of times you will play it is twice. However, both times feel different, making the 20 hour adventure completely worth it!

First Fallout 4 DLC: Automatron
Robots in Fallout are a staple. They are everywhere, whether it's your kind butler or a robot that...wants to kill you? This latest DLC has you attempting to stop a robot uprising, run by kingpin Mechanist. It is your job to infiltrate Robco facilities and end the uprising.

Formula Changing for LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
Travelers Tales has been making LEGO games for a very long time now, and although they have their peaks and valleys, we all know that generally, they make a really solid, family friendly game. The fact that they are going to mess with the original formula for The Force Awakens game is surprising, but yet expected. In an email from Warner Bros. today, we got a first hand look at what might be coming in the next LEGO game, slated to launch this summer.