Latest Gaming News

Gears of War 4 Review-in-Progress
Gears of War is back, and better than ever. Published in house at Microsoft by The Coalition, the new fight brings back everything we loved about the original trilogy, but pads the edges with new combat systems, new multiplayer modes, and more. While some have past of Gears of War 4 as a retread of the originals, we feel that this is one of the best in the series!

The Elder Scrolls: Legends Available Now for iPad in Limited Release in Canada
Elder Scrolls: Legends is now available on the iPad in Canada. We have the details below. Elder Scrolls: Legends came to the iPad today in Canada. In an e-mail we received from the publisher, the game is described as this: ” The Elder Scrolls: Legends, the first free-to-play card game based on the award-winning Elder Scrolls franchise, is now available for iPad in a limited release in Canada. iPad players based in Canada can now experience the strategic dual lane…

Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 2
The first episode of Telltale’s new Batman game was pretty solid, although the game leaned heavily on the story and was fairly light on the actual game play. While I fully understand that Telltale titles are story driven, I do expect a bit more in the action department. I hoped episode 2 would bring more action, and although the game doesn’t quite deliver on that front yet, the solid story continues and pulled me through, salivating for what was next.…

More Thoughts From Me #36: Halt and Watch This TV Show
It should be obvious to you by now that I love video games. What might not be obvious, since I never write about it here, is that I’m also addicted to TV shows. I watch a lot of TV. Maybe too much TV. But there is currently one show that brings together my love of video games and my love of TV Shows! That show is called Halt and Catch Fire. I want to tell you about the show and…

Shovel Knight Will Appear in Yooka-Laylee
A lot of people have been excited about Yooka-Laylee ever since it was announced (myself included). Yooka-Laylee is coming from a new company called Playtonic Games, which is made up of former RARE employees. Rare was the company that put together games like Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Donkey Kong 64, and more. Now these former Rare employees are putting together Yooka-Laylee, a 3D platformer in the same vain as the ones Rare did for the Nintendo 64. The game looks…

Can AMD Woo PC Gamers Back Next Year?
Most people in the video game community didn’t see it coming. But this year, we saw a resurgence from AMD like never before. The company has risen like a phoenix from the ashes to do battle once more after many had left it for dead.

Circle Entertainment Announced New RPG/Sim Picontier At The Tokyo Game Show
Circle Entertainment brings some of the best rpgs to the 3DS. From Fairune to Ash, I’ve enjoyed the rpgs that they’ve brought to the system! And during this week’s Tokyo Game Show, they revealed what could be their most exciting 3DS game yet! Picontier is described as a “slow living miniscape rpg.” We have more details about the game below! Picontier has been announced for the 3DS. Skipmore will develop the title, with FlyHigh Works involved and Circle Entertainment publishing!…

Supergirl Meets E.T. In New Lego Dimensions Video
Lego Dimensions continues to expand, adding more heroes, villains, and unique characters to the creative toys-to-life game! A new video was released today showing off two upcoming characters, Supergirl and E.T. There’s a Doctor Who cameo too. This may be one of the coolest videos ever! What happens when Supergirl meets E.T. ? If that question has ever crossed your mind (or even if it hasn’t), then you may want to check out today’s Lego Dimensions video: Will you add…

Steel Series Rival 350 Mouse Announced
The following is a press release for the Steel Series Rival 350 Mouse! ” SteelSeries Releases the Rival 500, Reinventing the MMO/MOBA Gaming Mouse World’s first MOBA/MMO optical gaming mouse designed around natural hand movements for extreme comfort, accuracy and performance CHICAGO – September 12, 2016 – SteelSeries, leader and innovator in gaming peripherals, announces the availability of the Rival 500, a revolutionary multi-button gaming mouse that was designed from the ground up around the gamer’s thumb and hand movements…

Lego Dimensions Gives Us A Look At The Upcoming Harry Potter World With Two New Videos
Harry Potter will soon be coming to Lego Dimensions! I have never played Lego Dimensions, but the new videos with Harry Potter make me wish I was a fan. Check out the videos and my impressions of the footage below! The Harry Potter team pack will be coming to Lego Dimensions on September 27th. We have two videos showing off the new Harry Potter world and characters! Check these out: I thought that the Lego Harry Potter games were neat,…