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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Coming to PC, Re-released on PS3
The criminally underrated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will be getting a re-release on PlayStation 3, and will be available to purchase for the first time on PC, Namco Bandai have today confirmed. There were rumours before - it showed up on the Australian classification board - but it's now official.

Valve Trademark Half-Life 3
Valve have trademarked Half-Life 3, a move that will no doubt excite millions of fans of the series. This has so far only happened in Europe and there's no more information about it available, so it's probably far too early to be saying "Half-Life 3 Confirmed" but, at least of the surface of it, Half-Life 3 seems at least semi-confirmed.

Final Fantasy VII Update fixes PC Music
There was one major complain that I had about the PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII, which was rather good otherwise. That was that Square Enix had decided to include the original PC music rather than revert to the better known, better appreciated PS1 version. An update late last week now fixes this problem.

Square Enix Announce “Master Thief” Special Edition for PC
Square Enix have today announced a special “Master Thief” edition of its next-gen Thief game. The “Master Thief” pack is a PC exclusive digital bundle and contains a number of pretty cool items that any Thief fan will no doubt be excited to get their teeth into. The pack contains a digital art book, a digital comic, the soundtrack and a bundle of in-game consumables which will boost your abilities. The digital art book contains a collection of concept art,…

Steam Machines Announced
Steam have announced that they'll be releasing a set of hardware solutions in 2014. Although no specifics have been revealed today, they've promised a variety of PCs, each covering a different area of cost and power needed. Naturally, all of the Steam Machines will run SteamOS.

Valve Announce SteamOS
Valve have announced their very own Steam operating system, based on Linux. Those of you that have used Linux will know one of its biggest flaws - one that has been really improved upon in the last few years - is its lack of gaming support, and Valve hope to change that. By having the openness of Linux and the ease-of-use of Steam, SteamOS hopes to be a fun, free alternative to current operating systems in widespread use.

Steam Announcements are about Steam, not Game Related
Ever since Steam announced that they'd be announcing three things very shortly, there has been a lot of theorizing. Some of it has been based on actual evidence - Left 4 Dead 3 showing up in a picture from Valve HQ for instance - and some of it has been a little less... scientific - OH MY GOD, THERE ARE THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS, HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED. It seems those ideas are wrong, however, as Marc Laidlaw confirms that the three announcements are specifically about Steam.

Steam Console to be Announced Next Week
A new console is to be announced next week, this time from PC giant Steam. Rumours of a Steam Box have been prolific over the last few years and it appears there's no smoke without fire. A countdown timer went up on the Steam website today, promising a new way of "connecting the dots" for gamers in the living room.

Blizzard Sending Free Copies of Mists of Pandaria?
This is one of those stories that will be incredible if true. A Redditor, ShakaShaka, is claiming to have been posted a free boxed copy of Mists of Pandaria. In a post entitled “Blizzard is getting desperate,” ShakaShaka shows off the package he claims was from Blizzard, and some of the convincing marketing materials he received alongside it. Without any history to go along with it, it’s hard to know the exact circumstances of the package being delivered. Outside of…

New Releases this week | Sept 16th – 22nd 2013
Finally! GTAV is mere hours away from releasing worldwide. Are you excited? Are you one of the lucky few who got it early? Needless to say, it's my most anticipated game since.. well since GTAIV I suppose. Still though, let's not forget all those other releases this week too. Hot Wheels, PES 2014 and Zelda HD are just some of the games brave enough to release this week.