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blank News 11 years ago

Gears of War Could Make it to PlayStation 4

We've seen this headline time and time again before, but it's never come to anything. The relationship between Epic and Microsoft on Gears of War has been fruitful for both parties, but the hope that the sci-fi shooter would someday make it to Sony consoles has been around as long as the PlayStation 3 has. And why not? They're great games.

blank News 11 years ago

Sonic Dash Races to Android

Sonic Dash has been an iOS must-have since it was released, and it's taken far too long for it to come to Android. It's now available though, and is free-to-play from the Google Play store in the US right now.

blank News 11 years ago

Fallout 4 Info Coming December?

The "Fallout" teaser site has been updated with a countdown... and although the site seems to have been registered by Zenimax, and although everything seems to be pointing at a next gen Wasteland adventure, it might be prudent to lower the bar of excitement, just in case.

blank News 11 years ago

LEGO The Hobbit Hitting Stores Next Year

Warner Bros. have today announced LEGO The Hobbit, a new LEGO game based in the world of Peter Jackson's latest epic fantasy trilogy. If LEGO Lord of the Rings is anything to go by, there'll be more than enough reference to JRR Tolkien's one-film-max 1937 novel as well.

blank News 11 years ago

Activision Exploring Ways to Make New Crash Game

There have been rumours, in the past few weeks, that Sony had bought the Crash Bandicoot IP and that they'd be reviving the franchise for the PlayStation 4. The story was actually pretty solid, consolidated by a teaser video and the removal of all references from the Activision website. According to Activision though, it was all a coincidence.

blank News 11 years ago

Negative Amazon Xbox One Reviews Come from People Without Xbox One

The Xbox One launched today, and, if you look at the Amazon reviews, it seems there are a good deal of people disappointed with their purchase. That is until you look a little bit closer and realize all but one or two of the reviews come from people who didn’t actually buy an Xbox One. Yes, it seems a veritable minefield, buying an Xbox One. Some are complaining about failing Blu-ray drives. Others are worried because their console has completely…

blank News 11 years ago

PS Mobile Expanding in Europe

If you live in the UK, the US, or some other "major" gaming country, it can be a little hard to believe that there are some places that are yet to get some of the things we take for granted. Take PlayStation Mobile, for instance, which Sony have today announced will be making its way to several new countries in mid-December.

blank News 11 years ago

Japanese Voice-Over Available for Lightning Returns

If you weren't overly keen on the performances in Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, Square Enix are offering up the Japanese voice-work for Lightning Returns. That's pretty cool. Less cool? It's free for a fortnight after launch and then will only be available as paid DLC.

blank News 11 years ago

PS3 Users Locked Offline after Forced Password Reset

Sony have reset an amount of EU PlayStation Network passwords, forcing users to choose something new before they can re-access their online accounts. That's inconvenient enough, but they've done it on such a scale that there's a huge backlog of people waiting for password change emails, and Sony has no idea when they'll be caught up.

blank News 11 years ago

Sony UK Randomly Changing Passwords Ahead of PS4 Launch

Sony are resetting countless PSN passwords as a security measure ahead of the PlayStation 4 launch next week. There also may have been attempts to break the network, although that is entirely unconfirmed (and based only on an official statement on the Sony forums). Either way, it means you may need to mess around with your account details next time you want to connect to the PSN.