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Reading Trophies – Analysing Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty is one of the biggest franchises in the gaming world. Published by Activision and developed by several studios including Treyarch and Infinity Ward, detractors knock Call of Duty for its similar yearly releases. That doesn't stop it being bought in its millions and it's definitely not going anywhere for the time being.
You Won’t Be Modding Titanfall on PC
Titanfall is looking like it'll be a fun sci-fi arcade shooter and a great boon to Xbox 360 and Xbox One. PC gamers will also be able to pick it up, and, if Call of Duty has been anything to go by, it'll be a pretty nice experience through that as well. One things for certain though: you won't be downloading mods for the game any time soon, probably not at all.
Hackers Make Wii U Tablet Stream From PC
Hackers have managed to get the Wii U Tablet working without the Wii U console, a feat that will no doubt significantly raise the interest in the Wii U controller for the gaming demographic that enjoying playing video games while sat on the toilet. It’s not all good news though: Nintendo still don’t sell the gamepads separately, and that might make attaining one without buying a console rather difficult. Still, the good news is that it works, and the possibilities…
Last of Us PS4 Port Possible
There has been a specific change in the way Naughty Dog are answering questions about a potential Last of Us port to PlayStation 4. Coincidence, or are they really paying attention to the thousands asking for a 60FPS, full HD version of the best selling Sony exclusive? If it'll sell...
Naughty Dog Are “Only” Working on Last of Us DLC and Uncharted
It's nothing to sniff at, but everything Naughty Dog are working on has been announced. There's no secret Last of Us 2 being built behind closed doors, no Jak 4 on the horizon. This was revealed at the PlayStation Blog when somebody asked whether they would be bringing anything to Vita. The answer was fairly final.
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has Voice Controls
If there was a single thing that made me consider a purchase of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, it was the announcement that it will come pre-loaded with voice commands. Forget annoying menus which have you slowly breaking out of the action. Scream the word “SHOTGUN!” at the TV and let your Kinect or PlayStation Camera do the rest. You might get some strange looks from the neighbours, but who gives a damn what they thing, anyway. Scot Amos revealed the…
Tomb Raider Multiplayer Improved for Next-Gen
I never really managed to get into the multiplayer modes present in Tomb Raider, but there were very mixed murmurs about it. Some people loved it, others hated it, but that's what happens when a previously single player franchise turns its attention to the online mode. Those that didn't enjoy it, or who didn't fully test it, have another chance to check it out with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, as the back-end has been completely re-written.
Tomb Raider Devs Defend Re-release Price Point
It's a dangerous thing to consider: that game that you paid $60 for last year, re-released on a next-gen machine, where the developers expect you to pay another $60 for some minor new features. On a Q&A at the official Eidos forums, Scot Amos defended the decision to charge full price on the next-gen version of Tomb Raider.
Tomb Raider GOTY Coming to PC
The 'Definitive' version of Tomb Raider might be coming to next-gen consoles - complete with TressFX, a new face and a great big price tag - but that doesn't mean Square Enix isn't willing to try to get PC gamers to buy the same game all over again. Tomb Raider GOTY Edition has appeared on the Steam registry, and that means a new version of 2013's hottest action adventure is absolutely bound to be on the horizon.
Analysts: “Sony Has 79% Chance of Going Bankrupt in Next Two Years”
The PlayStation 4 has had a fantastic launch, and Sony Computer Entertainment are no doubt hungrily planning what to do next. It's an amazing piece of technology, and one that gamers are buying up in their droves. Sony aren't only known for their gaming consoles, however, and in other areas things aren't going nearly as well.