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blank News 11 years ago

60% of PS4 Owners have a Vita

Sony's handheld that could might not be, but that doesn't mean it's a complete failure. The Vita is a technical powerhouse, and the capabilities of it make it well worth picking up. That's only been improved upon since the release of the PlayStation 4 as well. Maybe that's why such a huge amount of PS4 owners have decided to pick up a Vita as well.

blank News 11 years ago

Xbox One Update Slightly Delayed

An update for the Xbox One was supposedly going to hit today, but unfortunately it's been slightly delayed. Confirmed by Major Nelson today, the patch will still be arriving at some time during the next week, it just won't be available to download today. No definitive answer was given as to why.

blank News 11 years ago

Sly Trilogy and God of War Collection Coming to Vita

Sony have this morning announced the Sly Cooper Trilogy and God of War Collection is coming to PlayStation Vita. Both collections were rated quite some time ago, so we had a feeling that they'd eventually be made available, but Sony's silence and their policy not to comment on rumour means this is the first time we've really had a steadfast confirmation.

blank Articles, News 11 years ago

Top 5 SEGA Series That We’d Like to See Return

Ever since the early demise of the Dreamcast, SEGA just hasn't been that overly-cocky, beloved, big name in gaming that they used to be. The company has had a record of failing to really impress audiences or put out games that seem to rival that of mainstream titles. SEGA's only series that has a loyal following and gets major buzz today is, of course, Sonic the Hedgehog. And while our little blue blur is great (most of the time); he wasn't always SEGA's only big series.

blank News 11 years ago

Watch Dogs Wii U Delayed

After weeks of rumours about cancellations, Ubisoft have today confirmed that Watch Dogs Wii U is still on its way - although it won't be available until well after the other versions are released. In short: it'll be available after everybody who wants Watch Dogs already has had the chance to buy it.

blank News 11 years ago

Far Cry Classic Announced

The original Far Cry was a top release back in the day, helped by about a trillion free demo disks and some rather clever design choices. The original Far Cry never actually made it to consoles, instead replaced by a similar but less hardware intensive Far Cry Instincts. That changes this week, with the release of Far Cry Classic on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

blank News 11 years ago

Relive Final Fantasy X’s Love Story for Valentine’s

If you're a bit of an old softy and don't mind laughing really uncomfortably in public, you'll be desperate to relive the love story between Yuna and Tidus in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. To get you in the mood, Square Enix have released a special trailer for the Final Fantasy X HD Collection showing off some of their favourite bits.

blank News 11 years ago

Call of Duty ’14 to be “Next-Gen-First”

Call of Duty: Ghosts got quite a bit of negative attention when it was first released, for a number of different reasons. It's a decent enough title, but it's obvious - way obvious - that it was made with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with mind, and then ported to next-gen machines. The next game in the franchise, likely released in November this year, is being made with next-gen hardware in mind.

blank News 11 years ago

Flappy Bird Hits the Pipe, Removed from App Stores

Flappy Bird has been something of a flash in the pan. It came from nowhere, got very popular and has now been taken down from the app store by its creator, Dong Nguyen

blank News 11 years ago

Dynasty Warriors 8 PS4, Vita Release Date Announced

Koei have just unleashed a new website for Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, and alongside it have announced a new set of information about the Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition on PlayStation 4 and Vita. Fans of the franchise will be happy to know they can transfer their saves, and everybody else should be saving their pennies for new-gen battlefield action.