Latest Gaming News

PS1 Classics Suddenly Playable on US Vitas
Here in EU territories, we've had access to almost the entire PS1 classic range of titles on the Vita since the day Sony's PlayStation Emulator became available almost two years ago. We've been playing Crash, Spyro, Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider like nobody's business. Unlucky residents of the US haven't been able to do that... until today.

Theatrhythm Curtain Call Coming Westward
It was practically a foregone conclusion, but the hardest to spell game since Metal Gear Solid Revengeance is coming to the US and EU last this year. Final Fantasy Theatrhythm Curtain Call boasts over 200 of the most popular tracks from Final Fantasy history, making it a completely unique but still endlessly playable music game.

Back to the Future’s Hoverboard Becomes a Virtual Reality
There was a rumour, one that has managed to persist even in the days of social media, that the hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 was a real product. After the film was released, people were sure it'd be on the market, and there's still occasional mentions of it whenever the film is shown on TV or the "This is the day Marty McFly goes to in the Future!" posts make yet another round. Well, one Oculus Rift developer is trying to make two decades of dreams come true. He's not working on a real actual product, but he's doing the next best thing.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Sells 10 Million
Assassin's Creed will always be a top seller. It's simple-to-play basis and its constant location and cast refreshes mean that only those that stray beyond the 10 hour story manage to get entirely bored. As a result, the latest in the franchise, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, has hit a milestone: it's sold over 10 million units. It took a little while longer than its predecessor, but those that felt the series would find itself face down in the hay after Assassin's Creed III were definitely wrong.

Disney Infinity 2.0 Coming in August
Disney Infinity did well and took a reasonable market share from Activision's Skylanders. Recognisable characters and included toys meant it was the must-have game amongst a certain demographic. Not to rest on their laurels, Mickey Mouse and friends accidentally announced Disney Infinity 2.0 today - with Marvel heroes joining the fray to boot.

PlayStation 4 Update 1.7 Coming Soon, adds SHAREfactory
Sony announced their next major PlayStation 4 update a few weeks ago, and although that already feels like a lifetime, a little more patience will be required. It's not quite ready to go, but the House of Kratos has revealed a bit more about what you can expect in the next big set of firmware, including a little more information on the new video editing suite.

Parental Advice Columnist Compares Games to Meth
Video games are good for you, or at least that's what the current consensus is. Not like a juicy orange or a jog through the park, but they can definitely be used to help deal with depression in teenagers, jog the old mind or increase reaction times. Still, there are plenty of people of a certain self-perceived social standing who feel none of this can possibly be true, because they don't believe it. They believe that gaming creates a violent, anti-social community like the one their generation created by coining stranger danger and suing anybody and everything that got between their child and exactly what they want.

Snoop Dogg Announces your Kills in new Call of Duty DLC
Have you ever felt that Call of Duty could do with a little more street cred? Perhaps all those fat little suburban teenagers need balancing out, and Activision has just the solution. Very soon they'll be releasing a brand new piece of DLC that allows you to alter your announcer's voice so that it sounds less soldier and more Snoop.

Sackboy’s First PS4 Appearance is in The Playroom
The Playroom, for those of us who invested in the new PlayStation Camera, is a collection of bonus games that are fun to play in short bursts with friends and family. It's forced onto the console, so you can never delete it, but it's all but useless if you don't have the peripheral needed, and so a lot of people have managed not to see the moderate but very real fun offered. With that said, they've supported it well, with three free DLC packs now released. The latest update includes a very familiar character in his first appearance on the PlayStation 4.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Available on PS4
If you've been waiting to play an MMO on the PlayStation 4 and you're not too keen on waiting for The Elder Scrolls Online to make the jump across, you might be happy to learn that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has been released. After trailers, screenshots, beta access and more, you'll finally be able to take your character out for a spin on Sony's latest platform.