Latest Gaming News
Tomodachi Life – First Impressions
So how can so little come out of a 11 minute Nintendo Direct? If you find life simulators incredibly dis-interesting, take the 11 minute plunge anyways. The witty banter throughout the Nintendo Direct make the time you spent watching well worth it. The entire 11 minutes is very comical. Want to see a Iwata playing with a cat or trying on a Dinosaur suit? Want to see a number of Nintendo executives attempt to pick up Samus Aran on a beach? Of course you do!
Sony Confirmed The Last of Us PS4
Everybody has known about The Last of Us PS4 for, well, quite a while. It was turning up for pre-order in stores at the beginning of the year, and development was confirmed by a senior Sony employee last month. Stores were even accepting pre-orders and offering bonuses. The only part of the video game chain that couldn't accept its existence was Sony as a whole, but that changed today.
Super Smash Brothers 2014 – Preview
Yesterday was the official Super Smash Bros Nintendo Direct. The goal was to lay the final foundations for both the 3DS and Wii U games before their launches in Summer 2014 and Winter 2014 respectively. Below is the full Nintendo Direct. Today we're going to look at what was announced.
Feeling Angry? You Might be Bad at Games
It's an opinion long held by soccer moms and people that refuse to learn that video games are the source of all evil in the world. Specifically violent videos games, in which, they believe, young children are taught that shooting someone in the face has no consequences. They watch as Little Jimmy becomes indifferent, angry and aggressive, and then ask themselves why the government allows them to keep buying this stuff for their kids.
Minecraft – Legacy Launcher No Longer Supported
We wrote earlier about the OpenSSL problem that meant hackers could easily and safely get sensitive user information from some two-thirds of major servers in the world. One of the first to react to the news was Minecraft publisher Mojang, and they've been quick with sharing information since as well. The first change they're making is that the legacy launcher will no longer be supported, and that third-party launchers will need to be updated.
Minecraft Servers Down After Web-Breaking OpenSSL Bug Discovered
Hundreds of websites and servers are to be affected after the discovery of a web-breaking bug that makes an estimated two-thirds of all servers accessible to hackers. Passwords, bank details and more could be available to those that know how to get them, and it's not just favourite websites that are affected. The Minecraft servers, for starters, have been temporarily shut down while developer Mojang looks into the problem.
Frankie Dettori’s Online Slots Game
Frankie Dettori is a champion horse racing jockey and former Celebrity Big Brother contestant known by some, as Lester Piggott put it, as the "best jockey currently riding." He's best known for riding all the winners at British Champions' Day in 1996, and now he's got his name on an online slots title. Can you be a big winner in Frankie Dettori's Magic Seven, just like the man himself?
Pokemon: Where Does it Go from Here?
April Fools Day always provides a number of fun Internet gags. One of the most high profile jokes this year was from Google, and it involved Pokemon. Using Google Maps, players could search for all original 150 Pokemon and become a Pokemon Master. They even went as far as to 'promise' a position in the company for anybody that could Catch 'em all. Although the job was a farce, the game was real and playable. This prank from Google made me think about where Pokemon is at and where it is going.
Microsoft Working on Official 360 Emulator?
It appears Microsoft are looking into ways of getting Xbox 360 titles back onto the Xbox One. How far along they are through that process is unknown, and many doubt it's even possible in the first place, but the console manufacturer is, at the very least, trying to work things out.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in Development
It was only a month ago that Randy Pitchford said his studio wasn't working on a new Borderlands title and that hiding work on new titles was pointless, and here we are. Although it's true that Gearbox aren't directly working on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a new game set between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, 2K Australia apparently are.