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blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Forza Horizon 2: Storm Island DLC Releases Today

Count me in the group of people who had no idea this was coming. Back when Forza released, I chose the regular edition over the other editions based on value-for-dollar-spent. Personally, I didn't see the value in shelling out 99.99 for the best edition. Regardless, what I saw in that edition was a pack of DLC that I wasn't interested in. Something wasn't included, and it was released today.

blank News 10 years ago

Halo Could be Around for 30 Years

343 Industries general manager Bonnie Ross has said that she wants Halo to stick around for a very long time: 30 years to be exact.

blank News 10 years ago

DmC Coming to PS4, Xbox One

Capcom have today announced that they'll be bringing the love-it-or-hate-it slasher DmC Devil May Cry to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One next year.

blank News 10 years ago

Amiibo are not discontinued

Amiibo are currently shaping up to be one of Nintendo’s best ideas in years. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, Nintendo couldn’t have launched their new toy line at a better time. Nintendo recently announced that over 700,000 amiibo have been sold in the U.S. alone and that the gaming giant is projected to make $1 billion in U.S. market in amiibo sales as Tomoaki Kawasaki, a Tokyo-based analyst with Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., told Bloomberg.

blank News 10 years ago

An Explanation for why Magicka 2 Isn’t Coming to Xbox One

Magicka 2 might not be a system seller, but fans of the first game's wizard-based zaniness may have wanted to keep playing on their brand new, new-gen consoles. Only PS4 owners will get to do that.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Nintendo speaks on amiibo Availability

People are beginning to realize that certain amiibo figures are harder to find than others, most notably Marth, Animal Crossing Villager, and the Wii Fit Trainer. No one really know whether or not these are limited run figures or not, but Nintendo finally spoke on the issue. From Nintendo of Canada PR.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

I Will Buy Final Fantasy 7 on PS4 – So Should You

Final Fantasy VII is coming to PS4, and although it isn't the shiny remake many of us would have wanted, it's still an incredibly tempting offer.

blank News 10 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Pre-orders Were High

Pre-orders for Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix were high, with at least one store having no stock for customers who hadn’t already bought the title ahead of release. The release of the pack – which contains Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth by Sleep and a video version of Re:Coded – has been a long awaited addition to the PlayStation 3 catalogue, with fans waiting over a year to complete the collection. Released today in the UK, it has been a popular purchase,…

blank News 10 years ago

Street Fighter 5 Announced – PS4, PC Exclusive

Street Fighter V has been announced, although the announcement was quickly pulled.

blank News 10 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 dev Talks Unreal Engine

When Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced, it was being built on Square Enix's own Luminous Engine. That has since changed, with development switching to Unreal 4.