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Evil Within 2 Review
I've never been one to excitedly wait for a horror/thriller title on console, but Evil Within 2 might make me rethink that position. Despite my reservations about horror games in general - very predictable, and often doesn't have the same shock value as a movies - Evil Within 2 gave me enough spine crawling, freight endusing moments, mixed in with some great open world mechanics, to deliver on what is one of the better horror/thriller titles to date on console. Despite my distaste for the genre, I simply couldn't put Evil Within 2 down until I had beaten it!
Explore Ancient Egypt Today
Assassin's Creed Origins is set to unleash players on the world of Ancient Egypt next week, but fans of the franchise can take a peak into the world Ubisoft Montreal created by booking a tour today to see it first hand! Well, at least digitally! Click over to on your favorite browser and book your tour to visit Ancient Egypt!
Fire Emblem Warriors Launches Today
Fire Emblem Warriors launches today in North America, and reviews for the game so far have been fairly positive. Many are saying the game has some resemblances to Hyrule Warriors, but of course, with extra spit and polish. GamesReviews will have a review of Fire Emblem Warriors as soon as possible as our code from Nintendo is due to arrive today.
Want to See What’s Coming to PS4 and PSVR?
Paris Game Week kicks off in November, and to get Playstation fans ready for what they are going to see, Sony is hosting a Playstation Life from Paris to show off upcoming titles coming to Playstation 4 and Playstation VR! The show is likely to have small updates and announcements for Sony fans, before heading straight into the media briefing from Sony, which promises new details on unannounced and yet-to-be-released titles.
Pokémon Premium XY Trainer’s Collection Review
Every once in a while, The Pokémon Company comes out with something a bit different to commemorate a certain event, or just to surprise long time fans. Although the Pokémon X and Y collection seems like a thing of the past - especially with all the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon collections that have been released - Nintendo has resurrected the XY franchise with the Pokémon Premium XY Trainer's Collection box tin. Although this set will come in well over $100 USD, to the right fan, there is a definite value here. The Pokémon Company doesn't expect all Pokémon card fans to purchase this package, so expect it to be fairly limited in stores.
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle DLC Now Available – See the New Trailer
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was just one of many fantastic games already released on the Nintendo Switch this year. We loved it so much, we gave it a well deserved 9.0/10! Ubisoft promised to support the title even after launch, with two DLC packages set to launch, adding to the already stellar content. The first DLC package is available today, and Ubisoft has released a new trailer to celebrate that and show off what players can expect.
The Most Expensive Gaming PC you can Build in 2017
4K gaming was, for a long time, only a dream for console gamers. Last year, in turn, Sony has released its latest console, the PlayStation 4 Pro, capable of such a performance. At the same time, Microsoft has announced its own take on high-resolution gaming, Project Scorpio, that turned out to be a new Xbox One console, set to be released this November.
Xbox Canada challenges you to beat James Hinchcliffe
Challenges where you can win amazing prizes are always fun, and I'll be honest: driving a Porsche across British Columbia would be a fantastic prize, as would a fat wad of cash for those under the age of 21. If you've been perfecting your Forza skills, do you think you could beat James Hinchcliffe? Check out the details on how to enter below, thanks to Xbox Canada PR!
Astro A40 TR Headset
The Astro Gaming name is synonymous with gaming, and for years everyone has assumed that Astro headsets are outside the reach of the average gamer. In the past, this was definitely true, but Astro is running lines of Headsets at a much lower cost, and the Astro A40 TR Headset - aimed at PC and MAC users, but compatible with newer Xbox One controllers and PS4 - is a great headset that comes in at a modest $150 price tag. Overall, that expensive Astro quality is there, but not the excessive pricing.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Review
Although wildly popular, I've never been a huge fan of the Dragonball Universe nor do I have an affinity for fighting games. That being said, Dragonball Xenoverse 2 does everything a little bit different, making it the ideal game for long time fans and new players. While jumping into franchises with years and years of history is often a daunting task, the story and flow of Xenoverse 2 is the perfect combination of story, characters, and combat that will work for long time fans and new arrivals. Even though a fighting game is pretty low on my list of must play games, Dragonball Xenoverse 2 had me hooked for almost 35 hours and is probably one of the best fighting games I've played in a really long time.