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blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Titan Quest on Mobile is the Ultimate Experience

I've played Titan Quest a lot lately - on PC, on Xbox One, on the Nintendo Switch, and lately, on my Google Pixel 5G. While the game has slightly improved with each play through, the biggest leap in quality and playability actually comes with the mobile release, which is something I wasn't expecting. While it's still on a perfect experience - as you cannot change the games problems simply by moving it to a new system - the portability of the mobile version makes this an easy recommendation for open world role playing game fans!

blank News 4 years ago

Resident Evil Village ‘Early Access’ Scam Warning Issued

Capcom has warned gamers to be on the lookout for scam emails offering up early access to Resident Evil Village. The Japanese publisher warned that emails were circulating, and that they may be being sent as part of a phishing scam. In a statement, the company said: “We’ve been made aware that there are currently emails circulating that pretend to contain “Early Access invitations” to Resident Evil Village. The sender address is being displayed as “no-reply(at)capcom(dot)com”. “We want to inform…

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Harvest Moon: One World – Know What You Are Getting Into

When I think about a Harvest Moon style game - whether it be this franchise or Story of Seasons or Stardew Valley - I quickly form a quick perceived understanding of what that game will be all about. Outside of a few new items that ultimately get added with each experience, I'm going to be planting fields, tending to animals, and finding a spouse. You unlock new crops, new areas of your farm and the surrounding town, see what the Harvest Godess is up to, and so much more. If you go into Harvest Moon: One World with that thought, you might be sadly disappointed.

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Story Driven Harvest Moon a Far Cry from Original Concept

Harvest Moon: One World has been out for almost a week, and after much time with the game, it has become very apparent that this Harvest Moon is a far cry from the original cutesy farming simulation concept. While Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town has done a great job of incorporating new ideas while maintaining the standard farming practices, Harvest Moon: One World has gone a different route, and it somewhat pays off.

blank Articles, News 4 years ago


KEMCO has released a lot of jrpgs for the Nintendo Switch. The newest one is called Ruinverse. It a traditional turn-based jrpg. Is it worth checking out? Let’s take a look! The battle system is very traditional, although it does have some neat combo attacks thrown in. If you are a fan of SNES jrpgs, than you might fine Ruinverse’s gameplay, especially its battle system, interesting. Its story, however, is pretty odd. I think it takes a lot of inspiration…

blank News 4 years ago

Press Release: My Father My Son

A damaged boat with a father and son is washed up on the shore of a deserted island. The journey that was supposed to be a great adventure turns into a deadly fight for survival. See the trailer announcing the exciting puzzle platformer My Father My Son: My Father My Son is an unusual project by the Blinkclick Games studio based in Poland. It will be a puzzle platformer, where we take on two characters simultaneously — a father and…

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Dragonrealm Simplicity Key to Success

We have been working our way through some of GameWrights newest titles, and been loving each and every experience. We've played a fair amount of Shifting Stones and Abandon All Artichokes, and praised both titles for simplistic yet addictive gameplay. While Dragonrealm definitely ratchets up the complexity to another level, it's still an easy-to-learn experience that can be learned in played within 30 minutes. And it's fun, so it's a great recipe for any game night with family and friends!

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Console Gaming Needs Graphical Settings More Than Ever

Developers, I love you, but this conversation is overdue. Your choice of graphical settings consistently suck in console games, and it’s time to just hand over the reigns to the end user. I know, I know, this isn’t what consoles are all about. Just buy a PC, right? But these new consoles are powerful enough to do native 4K, 60FPS, and definitely not both. But why? On PC, players can make their own compromises, working out the kinks on as…

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Preview

Pioneers of Olive Town will not be hitting North American and European markets for a few weeks yet, but thanks to Marvelous Europe, we had the opportunity to take an early look at the English version of the game. The Japanese version has already launched in Asian markets. Pioneers of Olive Town marks the largest departure from the standard series in some time, featuring a lot of the same outstanding farming mechanics, but sprinkling in new mechanics unashamedly borrowed from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. While Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is a strong title, the Story of Seasons: Animal Crossing features fall a bit plat in many ways. Let's dive in!

blank Articles, News 4 years ago

It’s a Year Out, But I’m Worried About Pokemon Legends

It looks like Game Freak and Nintendo are finally making the dive into a full, open-world Pokemon RPG experience, and while the concept of that sounds amazing to me, the trailer shown off during the Pokemon Presents video today definitely left me wanting more. Is it unfair to make judgements based on an introductory trailer for a game we've never seen before? Absolutely, it is unfair. Am I going to do it anyways? Of course!