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Made by Google 2018 event
Today Google unveiled some of their newest products hitting store shelves this fall and winter; during the Made by Google 2018 event, the Google Pixel 3 / Google Pixel 3 XL and the Pixel Slate and Keyboard were shown off to great fanfare! Along with a number of other announcements, this was a fantastic event that kicks of the next year of Google products! The way Google unveiled the devices was different – having them come up out of the…

Little Mermaid Event a Smashing Success So Far – Disney Magic Kingdoms
When it was announced that The Little Mermaid was coming to Disney Magic Kingdoms, I was more excited than most. As one of my favourite Disney movies - because frankly, the music is fantastic - I couldn't wait to start unlocking characters and adding new attractions and decorations to my park. And within the first week, the development team didn't disappoint with a bunch of characters, a few locations, and some decorations! So far, it's been a great success!

The Little Mermaid Swims into Disney Magic Kingdoms
Beginning on Thursday, Ariel and the entire Little Mermaid crew will be swimming into your Disney Magic Kingdoms application. Players will be able to download the update beginning Wednesday, September 5th with the actual 26 day event going live on Thursday, September 6th! The Little Mermaid is one of my favourite Disney franchises, so I cannot wait to see it come to my own personal unique park! We have a bunch of screenshots from the Disney Magic Kingdoms live reveal that happened last week, so enjoy those while we wait for the event to drop!

Portal Knights Villainous Update Lands Around September 6th; Switch Version at a Later Date
The Portal Knights team has been very active on social media ever since the game originally launched, and now that things are up and running on every platform imaginable - Steam, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android - the team is busy pumping out content updates to support the ever growing fan base. Although these updates are not coming as fast as fans would like - and I'm sure the Portal Knights development team would like to see certification faster as well - when they do launch, it is with much fanfare and anticipation!

Take Advantage of Disney Magic Kingdoms Lulls
When there aren't any events going on in Disney Magic Kingdoms - which doesn't seem to be that frequent this year - players need to take advantage of the downtime to get their characters upgraded. If there was anything the Maleficent content taught me, it is that having characters at high levels makes finishing the quests much easier. Let's dive into why it's important to use down time wisely!

Disney Magic Kingdoms: Unlocking Christopher Robins – Chapter 3
Two chapters down, and one to go, as we all move forward in our quest to unlock Christopher Robins! How has it been for you so far? While I originally questioned whether the Big Hero Six event was fair when it launched - as many people complained that they couldn't get the necessary tokens to unlock Baymax - I'm not sure the same criticisms could be levied against the Maleficent event tokens, which if you are up to date with the games content and play regularly enough - even with a few hours off - you can easily obtain everything you need.

Disney Magic Kingdoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, and Christopher Robins
One of the largest updates ever has descended on Disney Magic Kingdoms, brining along new characters from Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, and the always enjoyable Christopher Robins. This major update is not only brining new characters, but new attractions and lands as well. We have all the patch notes below, as well as some of our early thoughts on the new event running right now.

Disney Magic Kingdoms: Was Big Hero Six a Fair Event?
Disney Magic Kingdoms latest event surrounding the locations and characters of Big Hero Six is almost complete, and with less than 1 day to go until the event concludes, the developers behind the smash mobile hit are already teasing the next update to the game, during a Facebook live stream tomorrow. We do know that new land will open up, but don't know exactly what that means yet. Check out the facebook page tomorrow for more details!

Big Hero 6 – Disney Magic Kingdoms Review
Big Hero 6 landed in Disney Magic Kingdoms today, and after spending a bit of time collecting the event tokens to welcome Hiro, the adventure begins! Here is our early review of Disney Magic Kingdoms Big Hero Six update!

BlackBerry KEY2 Hitting Most of the Key Requirements
We've had the privilege of using the BlackBerry KEY2 for a few weeks now, and from our early impressions, things are looking pretty good for the companies latest phone. Based on feedback from users who owned the BlackBerry KeyOne, the company has made the necessary changes to make this one of the best BlackBerry devices ever to release. Let's dive into a few of the features we really like, and stay tuned for a full review later!