Latest Gaming News
Detective Pikachu Is On the Case
Pokemon is one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. There are a ton of Pokemon games and spinoffs coming out all the time. The newest Pokemon spinoff, currently in Japan, is Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination for the 3DS! Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination was released today (Feb. 3rd) in Japan for the 3DS. While there is no release date for North America yet, I would find it hard to believe that a Pokemon title wouldn’t…
7th Dragon III: Code: VFD Is Coming to the 3DS This Summer
This is the new of the 3DS rpg. Every time you turn around, someone is announcing or showing off an upcoming rpg for the system. The latest to announce an rpg is Sega. 7th Dragon III: Code: VFD has been announced for this summer. 7th Dragon: III Code: VFD will be coming to the 3DS this summer. The game will take place in multiple time periods and let you create your own character to play as. There are 32 different…
May the Lego Force Be With You: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming In June
Traveler’s Tales has created a lot of Lego games for multiple consoles. The Lego game that started it all was Lego Star Wars and now Traveler’s Tales is going back to that Galaxy Far Far Away. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been announced and it will be coming in June 2016! Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be coming to multiple systems (Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, etc) on June 28th. Game Informer will feature the…
Solve a Puzzle Or Two: Word Puzzles By POWGI Will Arrive Soon on 3DS
My father and I love word puzzle games. One of the best developers of word games on the 3DS (and Wii U) is Lightwood Games. I’ve enjoyed their other games for the systems and they have another one coming soon. The new game is called Word Puzzles By POWGI. Let me tell you about it. Word Puzzles by POWGI will be coming to the 3DS (and Wii U) eshops on February 11th in North America. The game is already…
Nintendo of America Digs Up Shovel Knight Multiplayer
Kit and Krysta show off the Shovel Knight amiibo and its multiplayer co-op features in a new Nintendo Minute!
The Final Smash Bros Wii U/3DS DLC Is Coming Soon
Do you like Smash Bros for the Wii U and 3DS? Then, you’ll want to keep an eye out for February 3rd. The final Smash DLC is on its way! On February 3rd, Bayonetta, Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates, and more will be coming to Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U as paid dlc. This will be the final downloadable content for the game! Here are Nintendo’s tweets about the DLC: Bayonetta and Corrin come to #SmashBros…
Our Fate Is Almost Here: Fire Emblem Fates Footage & Thoughts
Fire Emblem Fates comes out on February 19th in North America. There has been much controversy lately on Nintendo’s editing on the two games. We have thoughts on that, plus check out two new commercials of the game! Nintendo won’t let us have our petting mini-game in Fire Emblem Fates! Wait a second. What? Yes, in Japan, Fire Emblem Fates had a mini-game where you pet character’s faces. The mini-game, supposedly, made you grow closer to your allies. But this…
More Thoughts From Me #3: A Mighty Disappointment
Mighty No. 9 is a much talked about Indie game thats coming out...sooner or later. Honestly, I don't care when its coming out. I think the game looks like a generic Mega Man game. So why am I writing about the game? Well, I have to have my say too! This is the internet!
Opinionated Logan: Mario and Luigi – Paper Jam
My six year old son Logan loves video games, and is falling into step with his dad nicely in that regard. He likes Mario, he likes Animal Crossing, and he loves the odd family friendly game on my Xbox One. Last night, I found him curled up in his bed - after hours mind you - playing Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam. Despite my frustrations with him A) sneaking my 3DS into his bed, and B) still being awake at 10:30 at night, I couldn't help but ask him what he thought.
Nintendo RPGS getting Bundles
Although Microsoft is a very (very!) close second, Nintendo is King of creating specific bundles for games coming out on their systems. Whether the bundles are just packed with games, or if the systems actually have unique designs, Nintendo is always trying to create better quality bundles for a good price. Oh ya, and they want the hardcore fans to shell out lots of money and collect all of their favorites.