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Rayman Legends Review

When it comes to platformers, the Rayman games are typically hailed as being among the best. 2011's Rayman Origins was a critical success, and with the announcement of Rayman Legends, fans have been clamoring for what could be the definitive entry in the series. Well, I think they have it.

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Farming Simulator Review

Farming Simulator is exactly what it says it is. It's not Harvest Moon, nor is it a chance to mess around an open world with dangerous farming equipment. There aren't really any objectives, no goals - you just run a farm. Harvesting, planting, cutting grass... this is a farming simulator.

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FlowDoku Review

Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games on earth, with endless amounts of variations, apps, books and even competitions dedicated to the "ancient" mindbender. FlowDoku hopes to stand out amongst them, offering a simple variation that uses shapes instead of numbers.

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Heavy Fire Shattered Spear Review

Heavy Fire Shattered Spear's biggest mistake is that it looks and feels too much like a Call of Duty game. Sure, the graphics aren't great, the voice acting is like something out of a bad YouTube video and the gameplay, nothing like Activision's behemoth franchise, leaves a lot to be desired. All of that just makes Heavy Fire an average, generic title most people will overlook. That it looks so much like Call of Duty - with its setpieces and "foreign looking" enemies - is its biggest mistake because it made people take notice. It meant Heavy Fire had built ...

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Tales of Xillia Review

These past eight years has seen a great slew of changes in the video game industry. Whether it is the global domination of Call of Duty and Activision’s implementation of a one year release cycle, the integration of online, the creation of achievements and trophies, or the rise of casual gaming; this generation has changed the medium and its landscape in a multitude of ways. But there was one prominent trend that saddened me, and that is the lack of compelling JRPG titles. However, Tales of Xillia gives me hope. The latest entry in the long running Tales ...

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System Shock 2 Review

After the success of the Bioshock franchise, many have tried to look back at other games involving creator and lead writer Ken Levine. Most roads lead back to System Shock 2, a game that was obviously a deep influence for the team’s later work on Bioshock. For the first time, System Shock 2 has been made available on Steam, a chance for gamers to look back at an important part of gaming history. Despite a few crow's feet, it has managed to age very well.

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Disney Planes Review

There's a lot of mixed voices about Disney's Planes, the spin-off from Pixar's 2006 hit Cars. Whether disappointed with the quality of the actual film itself (Planes currently "boasts" a 39 on Metacritic, with a user score lower than that) or if you've got wrapped up in some of the other minor controversies that have come out over the past few months, it's unlikely you're in a rush to go out and by merchandise or games based on the IP.

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Divinity Dragon Commander Review

The king has been murdered by his three children, but not without siring a illegitimate heir. After having an affair with a dragon (who we're assured was in female human form at the time), a child is born. You're that child. The future of the kingdom is in your hands, Dragon Commander.

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Real Boxing Review

The Vita is a treasure trove of titles, offering more or less everything you might want to play within only a few taps of your grasp. Real Boxing is the first of its kind though, and is the sort of game you might not know you want until you see it. With a sharp idea unavailable anywhere else on the Vita, you may be able to overlook the fairly constant shortcomings and see your boxer through to the final belt.

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Broken Sword Directors Cut Review

If you're a young person, you might not remember what a point-and-click adventure game is. Well, it's a game where you have to point, sometimes even click, and the story takes you on an adventure! They fell out of fashion sometime in the late 90s, but with the advent of portable touchscreen devices, which fit in your pocket, they've seen something of a revival. With this revival comes the remastering of a classic: Broken Sword: Director's Cut.

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