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Arctis Nova Pro Wireless Headset

Wireless Headsets seem to be releasing at a fast and furious pace, and all the big players are launching bigger and more impressive devices with more bells and whistles than any one person actually needs. That being said, the difference between a mid-range headset and a high end headset is noticeable, and that’s what we found when testing out the Arctis Nova Pro from SteelSeries.

The Arctis Nova Pro wireless design has been drastically changed from the previous Arctis lineup, providing in my opinion a much better build quality that matches the price. The headset is adjustable on the left and right, and a notched system allows players to also change the headband built into the device meant to alleviate the pressure of the headset from the top of your head. 

The overall design is much sleeker. I pulled out my old Arctis headset from storage, and the design difference when compared side-by-side is so different you’d be shocked to know they came from the same line. The old bulky design is gone for a more sleek, even limited design approach. Storing these in my smaller desk drawers is infinitely easier than with the old set that went into my larter side drawers. I definitely prefer this sleeker design!

The included rechargeable batteries are a fantastic feature that get overlooked in the world of USB-C charging. It feels archaic when you do it for the first time, but there is enough battery capacity within the headset itself to keep it powered while you swap the battery to keep playing. With an extra battery included, you can always have one charging while the other is in use, which actually streamlines the process immensely. Gone are the days of running a USB-C cable to my headset effectively removing the “wireless” feature of the device. Now I can swap and continue to play wirelessly, which is something I didn’t realize I would enjoy so much.


The Arctis Nova Pro Wireless headset improves on its noise cancelling features which is done through a combination of improved microphones and drivers, coupled with a slightly tighter fit of the headset itself. It’s not the best noise cancelling I’ve seen in headsets or earbuds, but the difference is almost negligible in my opinion. 

The headset includes a wireless transmitter box that not only provides onboard controls for manipulating your headset for specific games and situations, but also doubles as a charging dock for your extra batteries. The box itself is easy to use and navigate, and setting up settings for your games is really intuitive once you figure out how it all works. Making small tweaks in game became something I did a lot more often than I would have thought, which provided me a new appreciation for this additional item in the box. Yes, it drives up the cost significantly, but having those controls at the tips of your fingers to manipulate while in-game is really handy, especially if you play a lot of competitive video games.

The wireless connection to the box is phenomenal. I live in a split level home, and could easily travel between floors without losing my connection. This is something that rarely matters, I understand, but it’s nice not getting disconnected when grabbing a snack or answering the door. It’s worth noting that bluetooth is also included with this devices so you can connect it to your mobile phone or Nintendo Switch! Both Bluetooth and Wireless can be activated at the same time, which means you can turn off those tracks in Grand Turismo if you so choose and play your own music instead!


Steel Series does have software you can download to do updates for your headset and tweak the audio. We don’t really dabble in this too much, but based on the experience of our other writers, what Steel Series is offering is far above what other companies offer in their own software programs. 

Overall, we love the Arctis Nova Pro – the sound quality is phenomenal, and we never had issues or complaints about our microphone volume or sound. The ability to use Bluetooth and Wireless simultaneously is a real game changer for playing a lot of single player games where the music might be sub-par. The swappable batteries, which might seem minor as a box feature, is so awesome. I love the ability to quickly swap batteries without losing my connection. And with 22 hours of battery life, you won’t be doing it often.

The Arctis Nova Pro headset is a premium device with a premium price, but one that will last you years. With other companies lagging behind in certain areas currently, this is still a good value headset if you don’t plan to upgrade for a few years.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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