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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Review

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Release: December 9, 2024
Publisher: Bethesda
Developer: MachineGames
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Indie, Video, XBox One Categories, XBox One Reviews, Xbox Series X Categories, Xbox Series X Reviews
PEGI: 16


Perfect About Rating
10 - Gameplay
10 - Video
10 - Audio

Are you ready for adventure Mr. Jones? Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is one of the biggest games on the year and its exclusive to Xbox for now. Is this a trip worth taking? Will you choose wisely? Here’s our review of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle for Xbox Series.

In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, the famous archaeologist Indiana (Indy) goes off on a quest to find his cat mummy and soon discovers that the Nazis are looking for something called The Great Circle. Indy must stop them before they get all the pieces and that sends him on a globetrotting adventure!

The story in this game is a thousand times better than the last two Indiana Jones movies. It taps into the nostalgia for the first three movies while also offering its own cool story and introducing us to great new characters like Gina.

It’s a fun adventure and if you love the first three Indiana Jones movies, you’ll absolutely adore this game’s story. And you’ll love its gameplay too!


When it was first announced that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle would be a first-person game, a lot of people were skeptical. I thought it was interesting take and looked forward to seeing it in action. As it turns out, the first-person mode is even better than I thought it would be!

The first-person mode makes you Indiana Jones. It feels like you are behind the fedora and you get a closer look at everything then you’d have if this was a third person game. That said, there are moments where the game shifts to third person such as when Indy swings with his whip or climbs up something. And these moments are seamless: the game shifts back and forth between first person and third person quickly and there is no lag at all. It feels very natural.

Indiana Jones is in first person game but its not a shooter at all. If you shoot first and ask questions later in this game, you’ll be dead quick. Instead Indy has to sneak around, put on disguises, investigate objects and talk to people. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is an Adventure game more than action game.

That’s not to say there isn’t action. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to get into fist fights, especially if you suck at sneaking like I do. And punching Nazis is a lot of fun. Its not always easy, but its always fun. Oh and you can definitely take out your gun and shot a guy whose giving you too much trouble! I know I did..

Exploration is the most important aspect though and you’ll been looking around different places for objects, keys, papers, and more. There is plenty of tomb raiding too and these tombs have puzzles aplenty, some of them are hard and others are easier. Don’t forget about your handy journal menu which provides hints and also helps you figure out where to go next and keeps track of everything.

There are a lot of side quests and some of the environments, Egypt for example, are huge and it makes the game feel very open world. Other times, the game is a linear experience, but the game is always fun.

Overall, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle feels like an Indiana Jones experience and not at all like an Uncharted or Tomb Raider rip-off, which it could’ve felt like if it had gone with the third person mode completely. This is a great game and it looks amazing too.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle almost looks like an Indiana Jones movie, especially during cutscenes. Indy has the Harrison Ford look and at times you’ll feel like you’re watching a younger Harrison. The environments you explore are even better though!

Everything is so detailed, more detailed than any of the movies and actually makes you feel like you’re in Indy’s world. There are so many objects and people you can interact with and some things you can’t too. It feels very real and very cool.

It should be noted that there are some moments when you’ll see through a character or a knocked-out guard will go through an object. There is some light object pop-in too. None of this distracts from how amazing the graphics are and hopefully these glitches will be patched in the future.

Meanwhile, the voice acting in the game is stellar. If I didn’t know better, I would think Harrison Ford was voicing Indy in the game. Troy Baker does such a great job voicing the main character. The rest of the voice acting is fantastic too, especially Gina and there’s a character voiced by the late, great Tony Todd too. And yes, the music is wonderful. The Indiana Jones theme is present and the rest of the music and sound effects are authentic and excellent.

If you love the Indiana Jones movies, then this game is a must play!


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is absolutely my game of the year. Everything from its story to its gameplay and graphics are amazing. When you watch the cutscenes, it feels like an Indiana Jones movie. When you play the game, it feels like you are in Indy’s world. If you love the movies at all, you must play this game. If you have Game Pass, it’s a no brainer. If you don’t, then you should get this. Playstation owners are going to be in for a real treat next year too. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is an amazing experience.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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