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Ironfall Invasion Review

Ironfall Invasion

Release: November 28, 2024
Publisher: VD-dev
Developer: VD-dev
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Indie, Nintendo Switch Categories, Shooter, Switch Reviews, Video
PEGI: 12


Worth a Play About Rating
7.5 - Gameplay
6.5 - Video
7.0 - Audio

Ironfall Invasion was previously on 3DS and now its on Nintendo Switch. Is it worth checking out? Here’s our review!

Ironfall Invasion’s story takes place on an Earth that’s been invaded by aliens. You play as a solider who is trying to stop the aliens. The story is alright but the gameplay is the focus on this third person shooter.

The gameplay in Ironfall Invasion is fast-paced, hit the ground running third person shooting. You’ll attack aliens and robots right and left. The controls are pretty good and once you get the hang of it, switching between weapons is easy. Much like Gears of War, you’ll be hiding behind objects, dodging gunfire and shooting back when you can.

Ironfall plays pretty well in single player mode. There are 11-levels and they are action packed and occasionally provide you with a little mini-game. The game also has a multiplayer mode, but during our review time, which was after the game already released, we couldn’t find anyone playing it. Hopefully that’ll change.

There is also a survival mode that you can play with bots to test your skills. The game is fun, but its graphics still look like it did on the 3DS.

Ironfall Invasion’s graphics are more like a 3DS game, which the game previously was. The characters and environments look very bland too. Meanwhile, the voice acting isn’t bad, but its not great either. Ironfall Invasion’s gameplay is good but the rest of the package just doesn’t live up to the game’s potential.

If you like third person shooters, then you might like Ironfall Invasion. It doesn’t have the best graphics or audio, but the gameplay is fun and fans of the genre should enjoy it.

Thanks to VD-press dev for providing a digital code for this review. Ironfall Invasion is available now on the Nintendo Switch eshop.



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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