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Metal Slug Tactics Review

Metal Slug Tactics

Release: November 5, 2024
Publisher: Dotemu
Developer: Leikir Studio
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Strategy, Tactical, Turn-Based, XBox One Categories, XBox One Reviews, Xbox Series X Categories, Xbox Series X Reviews
PEGI: 12


Great About Rating
8.5 - Gameplay
8.5 - Video
8.5 - Audio

Metal Slug as always been a 2D side scrolling shooter…until now! Metal Slug Tactics is a reinvention of the classic franchise into a strategy game. Is this a good reinvention or should it have stayed a 2D shooter? Here’s our review!

Metal Slug Tactics is a strategy game set in a worn-torn world. The story is briefly introduced in words and then the players finds themselves in a tutorial for the battles. There is dialogue and the introduction of other characters throughout, but the story isn’t too important to this game. Instead, the gameplay is what Metal Slug Tactics focuses on.


The gameplay in Metal Slug Tactics is fantastic. It starts out easy, providing you with tips and then lets you out on your own. Each tactical battle has a main objective and an optional objective. All of this helps you level up and as you progress in the game, you’ll unlock more at your home base and more areas to fight in.

The game’s controls are a bit complicated and the tutorial isn’t great but once you get the hang of the controls, you’ll be able to navigate the grid of each battle easily. Your characters have two weapons to choose from and supporting abilities that help in a pinch. The battles get harder as you get further in the game.

Metal Slug Tactics is a lot of fun. It feels like a combination of a game like Final Fantasy Tactics with Advance Wars. The strategy gameplay works well with Metal Slug’s cartoon graphics.


Metal Slug Tactics keeps the cartoon-like visuals of the usual Metal Slug games and that blends well with the strategic gameplay.

Unfortunately, the text during battles is way too small and will have you squinting at the screen while looking at the nice visuals. Hopefully an update will be released that increases the text size. The text out of battles is fine though. Meanwhile, the game’s audio, music and sound effects are pretty good too.

Overall, Metal Slug Tactics is a really good reinvention of the franchise. The gameplay is solid and fun. The graphics and sound are excellent. We do wish the text during battles was larger and the controls were a bit less complicated, but this is still a good game. Metal Slug Tactics is well worth checking out for fans of the franchise and strategy fans alike.

Thank you to Tinsley PR for providing a code for this review. Metal Slug Tactics is available now on Xbox Series X/S and Game Pass.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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