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Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 Launch Trailer

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 is out today! Check out the game’s launch trailer below.

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 is out today for the Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, Xbox Series, and PC.

As a fan of Metal Gear Solid, all I have to say to you is…SNAAAAAAKE!

Okay, maybe a little bit more. I’m pretty excited about this Master Collection. I love these games. Yes, I plan to get the Nintendo Switch version, which some people have warned against. I want these games portable. I need them portable. Plus, hey Konami has already said they are working on fixes for these games. So if you wait a little bit, which I plan to do (Christmas), then the game’s should be better on Switch and other platforms.

Still, I’m so very excited about this collection. Loved these games on PS1/PS2.

Are you picking up Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 today or are you waiting awhile? What’s your favorite memory of Snake?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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