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The Lullaby of Life Review

The Lullaby of Life

Release: August 7, 2024
Publisher: Midwest Games
Developer: 1 Simple Game
Genre: Adventure, Genres, Indie, Nintendo Switch Categories, Other, Puzzle, Switch Reviews, Video


Worth a Play About Rating
7.5 - Gameplay
7.5 - Video
7.5 - Audio

The Lullaby of Life is a musical indie puzzle game. It’s a very unique concept but is the game any good? Here’s our review of the Lullaby of Life for Nintendo Switch.

We had to look up The Lullaby of Life’s story because the game itself doesn’t tell you what is going on. Apparently, you play as the “catalyst” of new life everywhere. You go about the universe exploring and finding your way. You grow with each set of levels that you complete. It’s a neat story, but with no words or hints as to whats going, the player has no real clue what the story is until later.

A mysterious story isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but here it just seems confusing. The gameplay, meanwhile, is a little better.

The gameplay in The Lullaby of Life has you using musical notes to move other objects. Most of time, its obvious what buttons you have to use to create the notes because the game tells you. Other times, you’ll have to experiment with button presses. The controls are easy but the puzzles are a mixed bag.

The experience can be neat but also frustrating at times. Most of the puzzles are not too difficult. The Lullaby of Life is a neat game and some players will love its musical puzzles. Meanwhile, its graphics are a bit simplistic.

The Lullaby of Life’s graphics are very simplistic, yet nice. And while there’s no real music in this game, the sound effects are very good. Though it would be nice if they were a little louder on the Switch Life. Overall, it’s a good game though.

If you like unique puzzle games with a bit challenge, then you may like The Lullaby of Life. Its story isn’t great and the gameplay can be frustrating at times but its an interesting new addition to the Switch eshop library.

Thanks to Stride PR for providing a digital copy of this game for review. The Lullaby of Life will release on August 7th, 2024.

Overall: 7.5

Visuals: 7.5

Audio: 7.5

Gameplay: 7.5



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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